Source code for xframes.aggregate

from aggregator_property_set import AggregatorPropertySet

# Builtin aggregators for groupby
from aggregator_impl import agg_sum, agg_argmax, agg_argmin, agg_max, agg_min, \
    agg_count, agg_mean, agg_variance, agg_stdv, agg_select_one, \
    agg_concat_list, agg_concat_dict, agg_values, agg_values_count, agg_quantile

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def SUM(src_column): """ Builtin sum aggregator for groupby Examples -------- Get the sum of the rating column for each user. >>> xf.groupby("user", {'rating_sum':aggregate.SUM('rating')}) """ return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_sum, int, 'sum', 1), [src_column]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def ARGMAX(agg_column, out_column): """ Builtin arg maximum aggregator for groupby. Examples -------- Get the movie with maximum rating per user. >>> xf.groupby("user", {'best_movie':aggregate.ARGMAX('rating','movie')}) """ return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_argmax, 1, 'argmax', 2), [agg_column, out_column]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def ARGMIN(agg_column, out_column): """ Builtin arg minimum aggregator for groupby. Examples -------- Get the movie with minimum rating per user. >>> xf.groupby("user", {'best_movie':aggregate.ARGMIN('rating','movie')}) """ return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_argmin, 1, 'argmin', 2), [agg_column, out_column]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def MAX(src_column): """ Builtin maximum aggregator for groupby Examples -------- Get the maximum rating of each user. >>> xf.groupby("user", {'rating_max':aggregate.MAX('rating')}) """ return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_max, 0, 'max', 1), [src_column]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def MIN(src_column): """ Builtin minimum aggregator for groupby Examples -------- Get the minimum rating of each user. >>> xf.groupby("user", {'rating_min':aggregate.MIN('rating')}) """ return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_min, 0, 'min', 1), [src_column]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def COUNT(): """ Builtin count aggregator for groupby Examples -------- Get the number of occurrences of each user. >>> xf.groupby("user", {'count':aggregate.COUNT()}) """ return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_count, int, 'count', 0), ['']
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def MEAN(src_column): """ Builtin average aggregator for groupby. Examples -------- Get the average rating of each user. >>> xf.groupby("user", {'rating_mean':aggregate.MEAN('rating')}) """ return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_mean, float, 'mean', 1), [src_column]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def VARIANCE(src_column): """ Builtin variance aggregator for groupby. Examples -------- Get the rating variance of each user. >>> xf.groupby("user", {'rating_var':aggregate.VARIANCE('rating')}) """ return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_variance, float, 'variance', 1), [src_column]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def STDV(src_column): """ Builtin standard deviation aggregator for groupby. Examples -------- Get the rating standard deviation of each user. >>> xf.groupby("user", {'rating_stdv':aggregate.STDV('rating')}) """ return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_stdv, float, 'stdv', 1), [src_column]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def SELECT_ONE(src_column): """ Builtin aggregator for groupby which selects one row in the group. Examples -------- Get one rating row from a user. >>> xf.groupby("user", {'rating':aggregate.SELECT_ONE('rating')}) If multiple columns are selected, they are guaranteed to come from the same row. For instance: >>> xf.groupby("user", {'rating':aggregate.SELECT_ONE('rating'), 'item':aggregate.SELECT_ONE('item')}) The selected 'rating' and 'item' value for each user will come from the same row in the XFrame. """ # use seed to make selection repeatable # it would be more random to use the column name seed = src_column return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_select_one, 0, 'select-one', 1), [src_column, seed]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def CONCAT(src_column, dict_value_column=None): """ Builtin aggregator that combines values from one or two columns in one group into either a dictionary value, list value or array value. Examples -------- To combine values from two columns that belong to one group into one dictionary value: >>> xf.groupby(["document"], {"word_count": aggregate.CONCAT("word", "count")}) To combine values from one column that belong to one group into a list value: >>> xf.groupby(["user"], {"friends": aggregate.CONCAT("friend")}) """ if dict_value_column is None: return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_concat_list, list, 'concat', 1), [src_column] else: return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_concat_dict, dict, 'concat', 1), [src_column, dict_value_column]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def VALUES(src_column): """ Builtin aggregator that combines distinct values from one column in one group into a list value. Examples -------- To combine values from one column that belong to one group into a list value: >>> xf.groupby(["user"], {"friends": aggregate.VALUES("friend")}) """ return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_values, list, 'values', 1), [src_column]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def VALUES_COUNT(src_column): """ Builtin aggregator that combines distinct values from one column in one group into a dictionary value of unique values and their counts. Examples -------- To combine values from one column that belong to one group into a dictionary of friend: count values: >>> xf.groupby(["user"], {"friends": aggregate.VALUES_COUNT("friend")}) """ return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_values_count, dict, 'values-count', 1), [src_column]
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def QUANTILE(src_column, *args): """ Builtin approximate quantile aggregator for groupby. Accepts as an argument, one or more of a list of quantiles to query. Examples -------- To extract the median >>> xf.groupby("user", {'rating_quantiles': aggregate.QUANTILE('rating', 0.5)}) To extract a few quantiles >>> xf.groupby("user", {'rating_quantiles': aggregate.QUANTILE('rating', [0.25,0.5,0.75])}) Or equivalently >>> xf.groupby("user", {'rating_quantiles': aggregate.QUANTILE('rating', 0.25,0.5,0.75)}) The returned quantiles are guaranteed to have 0.5% accuracy. That is to say, if the requested quantile is 0.50, the resultant quantile value may be between 0.495 and 0.505 of the true quantile. """ if len(args) == 1: quantiles = args[0] else: quantiles = list(args) if not hasattr(quantiles, '__iter__'): quantiles = [quantiles] query = ",".join([str(i) for i in quantiles]) return AggregatorPropertySet(agg_quantile, float, 'quantile', 1), [src_column], '[' + query + ']'