Source code for xframes.xframe

This module defines the XFrame class which provides the
ability to create, access and manipulate a remote scalable dataframe object.

XFrame acts similarly to pandas.DataFrame, but the data is immutable
and is stored as Spark RDDs.

import array
from textwrap import wrap
import inspect
import time
import itertools
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
from dateutil import parser as date_parser
import datetime
import copy
import ast
import logging
import types
from sys import stderr

import pyspark

from xframes.deps import pandas, HAS_PANDAS
from xframes.prettytable import PrettyTable
from xframes.xframe_impl import XFrameImpl
from xframes.xarray_impl import infer_type_of_list
from xframes.utils import make_internal_url
from xframes.type_utils import classify_type, classify_auto, is_sortable_type, is_xframe_type
from xframes.object_utils import check_input_uri, check_output_uri
from xframes import object_utils
from xframes.xarray import XArray
import xframes

Copyright (c) 2014, Dato, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Copyright (c) 2017, Charles Hayden
All rights reserved.

__all__ = ['XFrame']

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyShadowingNames
[docs]class XFrame(object): """ A tabular, column-mutable dataframe object that can scale to big data. XFrame is able to hold data that are much larger than the machine's main memory. The data in XFrame is stored row-wise in a Spark RDD. Each row of the RDD is a list, whose elements correspond to the values in each column. The column names and types are stored in the XFrame instance, and give the mapping to the row list. """ # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs] def __init__(self, data=None, format='auto', impl=None, verbose=False): """ Construct a new XFrame from a url, a pandas.DataFrame or a Spark RDD or DataFrame. An XFrame can be constructed from the following data formats: * csv file (comma separated value) * xframe directory archive (A directory where an XFrame was saved previously) * a spark RDD plus the column names and types * a spark.DataFrame * general text file (with csv parsing options, See :py:meth:`read_csv()`) * parquet file * a Python dictionary * pandas.DataFrame * JSON * Apache Avro and from the following sources: * your local file system * the XFrame Server's file system * HDFS * Hive * Amazon S3 * HTTP(S) Only basic examples of construction are covered here. For more information and examples, please see the `User Guide`. XFrames are immutable except for assignments to a column. Parameters ---------- data : array | pandas.DataFrame | spark.rdd | spark.DataFrame | string | dict, optional The actual interpretation of this field is dependent on the `format` parameter. If `data` is an array, Pandas DataFrame or Spark RDD, the contents are stored in the XFrame. If `data` is an object supporting iteritems, then is is handled like a dictionary. If `data` is an object supporting iteration, then the values are iterated to form the XFrame. If `data` is a string, it is interpreted as a file. Files can be read from local file system or urls (hdfs://, s3://, or other Hadoop-supported file systems). To read files from s3, you must set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables, even if the file is publicly accessible. format : string, optional Format of the data. The default, "auto" will automatically infer the input data format. The inference rules are simple: If the data is an array or a dataframe, it is associated with 'array' and 'dataframe' respectively. If the data is a string, it is interpreted as a file, and the file extension is used to infer the file format. The explicit options are: - "auto" - "array" - "dict" - "xarray" - "pandas.dataframe" - "csv" - "tsv" - "psv" - "parquet" - "rdd" - "spark.dataframe" - "hive" - "xframe" verbose : bool, optional If True, print the progress while reading a file. Notes ----- The following functionality is currently not implemented. - pack_columns data types except list, array, and dict - groupby quantile See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.read_csv(): Create a new XFrame from a csv file. Preferred for text and CSV formats, because it has a lot more options for controlling the parser. xframes.XFrame.read_parquet Read an XFrame from a parquet file. xframes.XFrame.from_rdd Create a new XFrame from a Spark RDD or Spark DataFrame. Column names and types can be specified if a spark RDD is given; otherwise they are taken from the DataFrame. Save an XFrame in a file for later use within XFrames or Spark. xframes.XFrame.load Load an XFrame from a file. The filename extension is used to determine the file format. xframes.XFrame.set_trace Controls entry and exit tracing. xframes.XFrame.spark_context Returns the spark context. xframes.XFrame.spark_sql_context Returns the spark sql context. Examples -------- Create an XFrame from a Python dictionary. >>> from xframes import XFrame >>> sf = XFrame({'id':[1,2,3], 'val':['A','B','C']}) >>> sf Columns: id int val str Rows: 3 Data: id val 0 1 A 1 2 B 2 3 C Create an XFrame from a remote CSV file. >>> url = '' >>> xf = XFrame.read_csv(url, ... delimiter=',', header=True, comment_char="#", ... column_type_hints={'user_id': int}) .. document private functions .. automethod:: xframes.XFrame.__getitem__ """ if impl: self._impl = impl return _format = self._classify_auto(data) if format == 'auto' else format # print >>stderr, 'format', _format def construct_array(data): if len(data) > 0: unique_types = set([type(x) for x in data if x is not None]) if len(unique_types) == 1 and XArray in unique_types: xf = XFrameImpl() for arr in data: xf = xf.add_column(arr.impl(), '') return xf if XArray in unique_types: raise ValueError('Cannot create XFrame from mix of regular values and XArrays.') return XFrameImpl.from_xarray(XArray(data).impl()) return XFrameImpl() def construct_dict(data): if not isinstance(data, dict): raise ValueError('Data is not dictionary') # special case if all are regular lists all_list = True list_len = None for val in data.itervalues(): if not isinstance(val, list): all_list = False break if list_len is None: list_len = len(val) if len(val) != list_len: raise ValueError('Cannot create XFrame from dict of lists of different lengths.') if all_list: column_names = [] cols = [] for key, val in iter(sorted(data.iteritems())): column_names.append(key) cols.append(val) rows = [row for row in zip(*cols)] column_types = [classify_auto(col) for col in cols] return XFrameImpl.load_from_tuple_list(rows, column_names, column_types) # General case xf = XFrameImpl() for key, val in iter(sorted(data.iteritems())): if isinstance(val, XArray): xf = xf.add_column(val.impl(), key) else: xf = xf.add_column(XArray(val).impl(), key) return xf def construct_iteritems(data): if data is None: raise ValueError('Empty iterable') xf = XFrameImpl() for key, val in iter(sorted(data.iteritems())): if not hasattr(val, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('Iterator values must be iterable.') xf = xf.add_column(XArray(val).impl(), key) return xf def construct_csv(path, delimiter): if not isinstance(path, basestring): raise ValueError('Path is not a string: {}'.format(type(path).__name__)) url = make_internal_url(path) tmpxf = XFrame.read_csv(url, delimiter=delimiter, header=True, verbose=verbose) return tmpxf.impl() if _format == 'pandas.dataframe': if not isinstance(data, pandas.DataFrame): raise ValueError('Data is not pandas.DataFrame') self._impl = XFrameImpl.load_from_pandas_dataframe(data) elif _format == 'xframe_obj': if not isinstance(data, XFrame): raise ValueError('Data is not XFrame') self._impl = XFrameImpl(data.to_rdd(), data.column_names(), data.column_types()) elif _format == 'xarray': if not isinstance(data, XArray): raise ValueError('Data is not XArray') self._impl = XFrameImpl.from_xarray(data.impl()) elif _format == 'array': self._impl = construct_array(data) elif _format == 'iter': self._impl = XFrameImpl.from_xarray(XArray(data).impl()) elif _format == 'dict': self._impl = construct_dict(data) elif _format == 'iteritems': self._impl = construct_iteritems(data) elif _format == 'csv': self._impl = construct_csv(data, ',') elif _format == 'tsv': self._impl = construct_csv(data, '\t') elif _format == 'psv': self._impl = construct_csv(data, '|') elif _format == 'parquet': if not isinstance(data, basestring): raise ValueError('Parquet path is not a string: {}'.format(type(data).__name__)) url = make_internal_url(data) tmpxf = XFrame.read_parquet(url) self._impl = tmpxf.impl() elif _format == 'xframe': if data is None: raise ValueError('Empty XFrame') url = make_internal_url(data) check_input_uri(url) self._impl = XFrameImpl.load_from_xframe_index(url) elif _format == 'spark.dataframe': if data is None: raise ValueError('Empty Spark Dataframe') self._impl = XFrameImpl.load_from_spark_dataframe(data) elif _format == 'hive': if not isinstance(data, basestring): raise ValueError('Hive path is not a string: {}'.format(type(data).__name__)) self._impl = XFrameImpl.load_from_hive(data) elif _format == 'rdd': if data is None: raise ValueError('Empty RDD') self._impl = XFrameImpl.load_from_rdd(data) elif _format == 'empty': self._impl = XFrameImpl() else: raise ValueError("Unknown input type: '{}'.".format(format)) if self._impl is None: raise ValueError('Constructor failed')
@staticmethod def _classify_auto(data): if HAS_PANDAS and isinstance(data, pandas.DataFrame): return 'pandas.dataframe' if isinstance(data, XArray): return 'xarray' if isinstance(data, XFrame): return 'xframe_obj' if isinstance(data, dict): return 'dict' if isinstance(data, array.array): return 'array' if hasattr(data, 'iteritems'): return 'iteritems' if hasattr(data, '__iter__'): return 'iter' if data is None: return 'empty' if isinstance(data, pyspark.sql.DataFrame): return 'spark.dataframe' if isinstance(data, pyspark.RDD): return 'rdd' if isinstance(data, basestring): if data.endswith(('.csv', '.csv.gz')): return 'csv' if data.endswith(('.tsv', '.tsv.gz')): return 'tsv' if data.endswith(('.psv', '.psv.gz')): return 'psv' if data.endswith('.parquet'): return 'parquet' if data.endswith(('.txt', '.txt.gz')):'Assuming file is csv. For other delimiters, use `XFrame.read_csv`.') return 'csv' else: return 'xframe' raise ValueError('Cannot infer input type for data {}.'.format(data)) @classmethod
[docs] def empty(cls, column_names, column_types): """ Create an empty XFrame. Creates an empty XFrame, with column names and column types. Parameters ---------- column_names : list[str] The column names. column_types : list[type] The column types. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` An empty XFrame with the given column names and types. """ if not isinstance(column_names, list): raise TypeError('Column_names must be a list.') for name in column_names: if not isinstance(name, basestring): raise TypeError('Column_names must be strings.') for typ in column_types: if not isinstance(typ, type): raise TypeError('Column_types must be types.') if not is_xframe_type(typ): raise TypeError('Type "{}" is not a valid column type.'.format(typ.__name__)) if not isinstance(column_types, list): raise TypeError('Column_types must be a list') if len(column_names) != len(column_types): raise ValueError('Column_names and column_types must be of the same length.') return XFrame(impl=XFrameImpl.empty(column_names, column_types))
[docs] def set_max_row_width(cls, width): """ Set the maximum display width for printing. Parameters ---------- width : int The maximum width of the table when printing. """ object_utils.MAX_ROW_WIDTH = width
[docs] def set_html_max_row_width(cls, width): """ Set the maximum display width for displaying in HTML. Parameters ---------- width : int The maximum width of the table when printing in html. """ object_utils.HTML_MAX_ROW_WIDTH = width
@classmethod @classmethod @staticmethod def _infer_column_types_from_lines(first_rows, na_values): if len(first_rows.column_names()) < 1: logging.warn('Insufficient number of columns to perform type inference.') raise RuntimeError('Insufficient columns.') if len(first_rows) < 1: logging.warn('Insufficient number of rows to perform type inference.') raise RuntimeError('Insufficient rows.') column_names = first_rows.column_names() # TODO get this in a way that does not require an iterator def row_as_array(row): return [row[col] for col in column_names] head = [row_as_array(row) for row in first_rows] def infer_type(col, na_values): col = [val for val in col if val not in na_values] types = [classify_type(val) for val in col if val is not None] unique_types = set(types) if len(unique_types) == 1: dtype = types[0] elif unique_types == {int, float}: dtype = float else: dtype = str return dtype n_cols = len(head[0]) cols = [[row[i] for row in head] for i in range(n_cols)] types = [infer_type(col, na_values) for col in cols] # special handling for '\n' # if delimiter == '\n' and len(column_type_hints) != 1: # column_type_hints = [str] column_type_hints = types return column_type_hints @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, filename): """ Load an XFrame. The filename extension is used to determine the format automatically. This function is particularly useful for XFrames previously saved in binary format. For CSV imports the :py:meth:`~xframes.XFrame.read_csv` function provides greater control. If the XFrame is in binary format, `filename` is actually a directory, created when the XFrame is saved. Parameters ---------- filename : string Location of the file to load. Can be a local path or a remote URL. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` See Also -------- Saves the XFrame to a file. xframes.XFrame.read_csv Allows more control over csv parsing. Examples -------- >>> sf = xframes.XFrame({'id':[1,2,3], 'val':['A','B','C']}) >>>'my_xframe') # 'my_xframe' is a directory >>> sf_loaded = xframes.XFrame.load('my_xframe') """ sf = cls(data=filename) return sf
@classmethod def _read_csv_impl(cls, url, delimiter=',', header=True, error_bad_lines=False, comment_char='', escape_char='\\', double_quote=True, quote_char='\"', skip_initial_space=True, column_type_hints=None, na_values=None, nrows=None, verbose=False, store_errors=True): """ Constructs an XFrame from a CSV file or a path to multiple CSVs, and returns a pair containing the XFrame and optionally (if store_errors=True) a dict of filenames to XArray indicating for each file, what are the incorrectly parsed lines encountered. Parameters ---------- store_errors : bool If true, the output errors dict will be filled. See `read_csv` for the rest of the parameters. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame with the contents that were read. """ na_values = na_values or [''] parsing_config = dict() parsing_config['delimiter'] = delimiter parsing_config['use_header'] = header parsing_config['continue_on_failure'] = not error_bad_lines parsing_config['comment_char'] = comment_char parsing_config['escape_char'] = escape_char parsing_config['double_quote'] = double_quote parsing_config['quote_char'] = quote_char parsing_config['skip_initial_space'] = skip_initial_space parsing_config['store_errors'] = store_errors if isinstance(na_values, basestring): na_values = [na_values] if na_values is not None and len(na_values) > 0: parsing_config['na_values'] = na_values if nrows is not None: parsing_config['row_limit'] = nrows internal_url = make_internal_url(url) check_input_uri(internal_url) # Attempt to automatically detect the column types. Either produce a # list of types; otherwise default to all str types. column_type_inference_was_used = False if column_type_hints is None: try: # Get the first 100 rows (using all the desired arguments). # first row may be excluded (based on heder setting) first_rows = xframes.XFrame.read_csv(url, nrows=100, column_type_hints=str, header=header, delimiter=delimiter, comment_char=comment_char, escape_char=escape_char, double_quote=double_quote, quote_char=quote_char, skip_initial_space=skip_initial_space) column_type_hints = XFrame._infer_column_types_from_lines(first_rows, na_values) typelist = '[' + ','.join(t.__name__ for t in column_type_hints) + ']' if verbose: print >> stderr, '------------------------------------------------------' print >> stderr, 'Inferred types from first line of file as ' print >> stderr, 'column_type_hints=' + typelist print >> stderr, 'If parsing fails due to incorrect types, you can correct' print >> stderr, 'the inferred type list above and pass it to read_csv in' print >> stderr, 'the column_type_hints argument' print >> stderr, '------------------------------------------------------' column_type_inference_was_used = True except Exception as e: # If the above fails, default back to str for all columns. if verbose:'Error {} {}'.format(type(e).__name__, e)) logging.warn('Could not detect types. Using str for each column.') column_type_hints = str if isinstance(column_type_hints, type): type_hints = {'__all_columns__': column_type_hints} elif isinstance(column_type_hints, list): type_hints = dict(zip(['__X%d__' % i for i in range(len(column_type_hints))], column_type_hints)) elif isinstance(column_type_hints, dict): type_hints = column_type_hints else: raise TypeError("Invalid type for column_type_hints. Must be a 'dict, 'list' or a single type.") try: errors, impl = XFrameImpl.load_from_csv(internal_url, parsing_config, type_hints) except IOError: if column_type_inference_was_used: # try again logging.warn('Unable to parse the file with automatic type inference.') logging.warn('Defaulting to column_type_hints=str') type_hints = {'__all_columns__': str} try: errors, impl = XFrameImpl.load_from_csv(internal_url, parsing_config, type_hints) except: raise else: raise return cls(impl=impl), {f: XArray(impl=es) for f, es in errors.iteritems() if es.size() != 0} @classmethod
[docs] def read_csv_with_errors(cls, url, delimiter=',', header=True, comment_char='', escape_char='\\', double_quote=True, quote_char='\"', skip_initial_space=True, column_type_hints=None, na_values=None, nrows=None, verbose=False): """ Constructs an XFrame from a CSV file or a path to multiple CSVs, and returns a pair containing the XFrame and a dict of error type to XArray indicating for each type, what are the incorrectly parsed lines encountered. The kinds of errors that are detected are: * width -- The row has the wrong number of columns. * header -- The first row in the file did not parse correctly. This row is used to determine the table width, so the rest of the file is not processed. The result is an empty XFrame. * csv -- The csv parser raised a csv.Error or a SystemError exception. This can be caused by having an unacceptable character, such as a null byte, in the input, or by serious system errors. This presence of this error indicates that processing has been interrupted, so all remaining data in the input file is not processed. Parameters ---------- url : string Location of the CSV file or directory to load. If URL is a directory or a "glob" pattern, all matching files will be loaded. delimiter : string, optional This describes the delimiter used for parsing csv files. Must be a single character. Files with double delimiters such as "||" should specify delimiter='|' and should drop columns with empty heading and data. header : bool, optional If true, uses the first row as the column names. Otherwise use the default column names: 'X.1, X.2, ...'. comment_char : string, optional The character which denotes that the remainder of the line is a comment. The line must contain valid data preceding the commant. escape_char : string, optional Character which begins a C escape sequence double_quote : bool, optional If True, two consecutive quotes in a string are parsed to a single quote. quote_char : string, optional Character sequence that indicates a quote. skip_initial_space : bool, optional Ignore extra spaces at the start of a field column_type_hints : None, type, list[type], dict{string: type}, optional This provides type hints for each column. By default, this method attempts to detect the type of each column automatically. Supported types are int, float, str, list, dict, and array.array. * If a single type is provided, the type will be applied to all columns. For instance, column_type_hints=float will force all columns to be parsed as float. * If a list of types is provided, the types applies to each column in order, e.g.[int, float, str] will parse the first column as int, second as float and third as string. * If a dictionary of column name to type is provided, each type value in the dictionary is applied to the key it belongs to. For instance {'user':int} will hint that the column called "user" should be parsed as an integer, and the rest will default to string. na_values : str | list of str, optional A string or list of strings to be interpreted as missing values. nrows : int, optional If set, only this many rows will be read from the file. verbose : bool, optional If True, print the progress while reading files. Returns ------- tuple The first element is the XFrame with good data. The second element is a dictionary of filenames to XArrays indicating for each file, what are the incorrectly parsed lines encountered. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.read_csv Reads csv without error controls. xframes.XFrame The constructor can read csv files, but is not configurable. Examples -------- >>> bad_url = '' >>> (xf, bad_lines) = xframes.XFrame.read_csv_with_errors(bad_url) >>> xf +---------+----------+--------+ | user_id | movie_id | rating | +---------+----------+--------+ | 25904 | 1663 | 3 | | 25907 | 1663 | 3 | | 25923 | 1663 | 3 | | 25924 | 1663 | 3 | | 25928 | 1663 | 2 | | ... | ... | ... | +---------+----------+--------+ [98 rows x 3 columns] >>> bad_lines {'': dtype: str Rows: 1 ['x,y,z,a,b,c']} """ na_values = na_values or '[NA]' return cls._read_csv_impl(url, delimiter=delimiter, header=header, error_bad_lines=False, # we are storing errors, # thus we must not fail # on bad lines comment_char=comment_char, escape_char=escape_char, double_quote=double_quote, quote_char=quote_char, skip_initial_space=skip_initial_space, column_type_hints=column_type_hints, na_values=na_values, nrows=nrows, verbose=verbose, store_errors=True)
[docs] def read_csv(cls, url, delimiter=',', header=True, error_bad_lines=False, comment_char='', escape_char='\\', double_quote=True, quote_char='\"', skip_initial_space=True, column_type_hints=None, na_values=None, nrows=None, verbose=False): """ Constructs an XFrame from a CSV file or a path to multiple CSVs. Parameters ---------- url : string Location of the CSV file or directory to load. If URL is a directory or a "glob" pattern, all matching files will be loaded. delimiter : string, optional This describes the delimiter used for parsing csv files. Must be a single character. header : bool, optional If true, uses the first row as the column names. Otherwise use the default column names : 'X1, X2, ...'. error_bad_lines : bool If true, will fail upon encountering a bad line. If false, will continue parsing skipping lines which fail to parse correctly. A sample of the first 10 encountered bad lines will be printed. comment_char : string, optional The character which denotes that the remainder of the line is a comment. escape_char : string, optional Character which begins a C escape sequence double_quote : bool, optional If True, two consecutive quotes in a string are parsed to a single quote. quote_char : string, optional Character sequence that indicates a quote. skip_initial_space : bool, optional Ignore extra spaces at the start of a field column_type_hints : None, type, list[type], dict[string, type], optional This provides type hints for each column. By default, this method attempts to detect the type of each column automatically. Supported types are int, float, str, list, dict, and array.array. * If a single type is provided, the type will be applied to all columns. For instance, column_type_hints=float will force all columns to be parsed as float. * If a list of types is provided, the types applies to each column in order, e.g.[int, float, str] will parse the first column as int, second as float and third as string. * If a dictionary of column name to type is provided, each type value in the dictionary is applied to the key it belongs to. For instance {'user':int} will hint that the column called "user" should be parsed as an integer, and the rest will default to string. na_values : str | list of str, optional A string or list of strings to be interpreted as missing values. nrows : int, optional If set, only this many rows will be read from the file. verbose : bool, optional If True, print the progress while reading files. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.read_csv_with_errors Allows more control over errors. xframes.XFrame The constructor can read csv files, but is not configurable. Examples -------- Read a regular csv file, with all default options, automatically determine types: >>> url = '' >>> xf = xframes.XFrame.read_csv(url) >>> xf Columns: user_id int movie_id int rating int Rows: 10000 +---------+----------+--------+ | user_id | movie_id | rating | +---------+----------+--------+ | 25904 | 1663 | 3 | | 25907 | 1663 | 3 | | 25923 | 1663 | 3 | | 25924 | 1663 | 3 | | 25928 | 1663 | 2 | | ... | ... | ... | +---------+----------+--------+ [10000 rows x 3 columns] Read only the first 100 lines of the csv file: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame.read_csv(url, nrows=100) >>> xf Columns: user_id int movie_id int rating int Rows: 100 +---------+----------+--------+ | user_id | movie_id | rating | +---------+----------+--------+ | 25904 | 1663 | 3 | | 25907 | 1663 | 3 | | 25923 | 1663 | 3 | | 25924 | 1663 | 3 | | 25928 | 1663 | 2 | | ... | ... | ... | +---------+----------+--------+ [100 rows x 3 columns] Read all columns as str type >>> xf = xframes.XFrame.read_csv(url, column_type_hints=str) >>> xf Columns: user_id str movie_id str rating str Rows: 10000 +---------+----------+--------+ | user_id | movie_id | rating | +---------+----------+--------+ | 25904 | 1663 | 3 | | 25907 | 1663 | 3 | | 25923 | 1663 | 3 | | 25924 | 1663 | 3 | | 25928 | 1663 | 2 | | ... | ... | ... | +---------+----------+--------+ [10000 rows x 3 columns] Specify types for a subset of columns and leave the rest to be str. >>> xf = xframes.XFrame.read_csv(url, ... column_type_hints={ ... 'user_id':int, 'rating':float ... }) >>> xf Columns: user_id str movie_id str rating float Rows: 10000 +---------+----------+--------+ | user_id | movie_id | rating | +---------+----------+--------+ | 25904 | 1663 | 3.0 | | 25907 | 1663 | 3.0 | | 25923 | 1663 | 3.0 | | 25924 | 1663 | 3.0 | | 25928 | 1663 | 2.0 | | ... | ... | ... | +---------+----------+--------+ [10000 rows x 3 columns] Not treat first line as header: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame.read_csv(url, header=False) >>> xf Columns: X1 str X2 str X3 str Rows: 10001 +---------+----------+--------+ | X1 | X2 | X3 | +---------+----------+--------+ | user_id | movie_id | rating | | 25904 | 1663 | 3 | | 25907 | 1663 | 3 | | 25923 | 1663 | 3 | | 25924 | 1663 | 3 | | 25928 | 1663 | 2 | | ... | ... | ... | +---------+----------+--------+ [10001 rows x 3 columns] Treat '3' as missing value: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame.read_csv(url, na_values=['3'], column_type_hints=str) >>> xf Columns: user_id str movie_id str rating str Rows: 10000 +---------+----------+--------+ | user_id | movie_id | rating | +---------+----------+--------+ | 25904 | 1663 | None | | 25907 | 1663 | None | | 25923 | 1663 | None | | 25924 | 1663 | None | | 25928 | 1663 | 2 | | ... | ... | ... | +---------+----------+--------+ [10000 rows x 3 columns] Throw error on parse failure: >>> bad_url = '' >>> xf = xframes.XFrame.read_csv(bad_url, error_bad_lines=True) RuntimeError: Runtime Exception. Unable to parse line "x,y,z,a,b,c" Set error_bad_lines=False to skip bad lines """ na_values = na_values or [''] ret = cls._read_csv_impl(url, delimiter=delimiter, header=header, error_bad_lines=error_bad_lines, comment_char=comment_char, escape_char=escape_char, double_quote=double_quote, quote_char=quote_char, skip_initial_space=skip_initial_space, column_type_hints=column_type_hints, na_values=na_values, nrows=nrows, verbose=verbose, store_errors=False) return ret[0]
[docs] def from_xarray(cls, arry, name): """ Constructs a one column XFrame from an XArray and a column name. Parameters ---------- arry : :class:`.XArray` The XArray that will become an XFrame of one column. name: str The column name. Returns ------- out: :class:`.XFrame` Returns an XFrame with one column, containing the values in arry and with the given name. Examples Create an XFrame from an XArray. >>> print XFrame.from_xarray(XArray([1, 2, 3]), 'name') +------+ | name | +------+ | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | +------+ """ return XFrame(impl=XFrameImpl.from_xarray(arry.impl(), name))
[docs] def read_text(cls, path, delimiter=None, nrows=None, verbose=False): """ Constructs an XFrame from a text file or a path to multiple text files. Parameters ---------- path : string Location of the text file or directory to load. If 'path' is a directory or a "glob" pattern, all matching files will be loaded. delimiter : string, optional This describes the delimiter used for separating records. Must be a single character. Defaults to newline. nrows : int, optional If set, only this many rows will be read from the file. verbose : bool, optional If True, print the progress while reading files. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` Examples -------- Read a regular text file, with default options. >>> path = '' >>> xf = xframes.XFrame.read_text(path) >>> xf +------- | text | +---------+ | 25904 | | 25907 | | 25923 | | 25924 | | 25928 | | ... | +---------+ [10000 rows x 1 column] Read only the first 100 lines of the text file: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame.read_text(path, nrows=100) >>> xf Rows: 100 +---------+ | 25904 | | 25907 | | 25923 | | 25924 | | 25928 | | ... | +---------+ [100 rows x 1 columns] Read using a given delimiter. >>> xf = xframes.XFrame.read_text(path, delimiter='.') >>> xf Rows: 250 +---------+ | 25904 | | 25907 | | 25923 | | 25924 | | 25928 | | ... | +---------+ [250 rows x 1 columns] """ check_input_uri(path) url = make_internal_url(path) return cls(impl=XFrameImpl.read_from_text(url, delimiter=delimiter, nrows=nrows, verbose=verbose))
[docs] def read_parquet(cls, url): """ Constructs an XFrame from a parquet file. Parameters ---------- url : string Location of the parquet file to load. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` See Also -------- xframes.XFrame The constructor can read parquet files. """ check_input_uri(url) return cls(impl=XFrameImpl.load_from_parquet(url))
def impl(self): return self._impl
[docs] def dump_debug_info(self): """ Print information about the Spark RDD associated with this XFrame. """ return self._impl.dump_debug_info()
def _get_pretty_tables(self, wrap_text=False, max_wrap_rows=2, max_row_width=None, max_column_width=30, max_columns=20, max_rows_to_display=60): """ Returns a list of pretty print tables representing the current XFrame. If the number of columns is larger than max_columns, the last pretty table will contain an extra column of "...". Parameters ---------- wrap_text : bool, optional max_wrap_rows : int, optional Max number of rows after wrapping, Default 2 max_row_width : int, optional Max number of characters per table. max_column_width : int, optional Max number of characters per column. max_columns : int, optional Max number of columns per table. max_rows_to_display : int, optional Max number of rows to display. Returns ------- list[PrettyTable] """ # We are going to need a column of values at a time # Take should return a list of tuples max_row_width = max_row_width or object_utils.MAX_ROW_WIDTH if self._impl.rdd() is None: return [PrettyTable()] head_rows = self._impl.rdd().take(max_rows_to_display + 1) if len(head_rows) == 0: return [PrettyTable()] if len(head_rows) > max_rows_to_display: extra_rows = True head_rows = head_rows[:max_rows_to_display] else: extra_rows = False n_rows = len(head_rows) # organize the results as columns cols = {} for index, col_name in enumerate(self.column_names()[:max_columns]): cols[col_name] = [row[index] for row in head_rows] def truncate_str(s, wrap_str, max_wrap_rows): # Truncate and optionally wrap the input string as unicode, replace # unconvertible character with a diamond ?. s = repr(s) # repr adds the escape characters. but also adds quotes around # the string if len(s) >= 2: if s[0] == 'u': s = s[2:-1] else: s = s[1:-1] if len(s) <= max_column_width: return unicode(s, errors='replace') else: # if wrap_str is true, wrap the text and take at most max_wrap_rows if wrap_str: wrapped_lines = wrap(s, max_column_width) ret = '\n'.join(wrapped_lines[:max_wrap_rows]) last_line = wrapped_lines[:max_wrap_rows][-1] if len(last_line) >= max_column_width or len(wrapped_lines) > max_wrap_rows: space_left = max_column_width - len(last_line) space_truncate = max(0, 4 - space_left) if space_truncate > 0: ret = ret[:-space_truncate] + ' ...' else: ret += ' ...' else: ret = s[:max_column_width] ret = ret[:-4] + ' ...' return unicode(ret, errors='replace') # end of truncate_str columns = self.column_names()[:max_columns] columns.reverse() # reverse the order of columns and we will pop from the end num_column_of_last_table = 0 row_of_tables = [] # let's build a list of tables with max_columns # each table should satisfy, max_row_width, and max_column_width while len(columns) > 0: tbl = PrettyTable() table_width = 0 num_column_of_last_table = 0 while len(columns) > 0: col = columns.pop() # check the max length of element in the column header = truncate_str(col, wrap_text, max_wrap_rows) if n_rows > 0: col_width = min(max_column_width, max(max(len(str(x)) for x in cols[col]), len(header) + 3)) else: col_width = max_column_width if table_width + col_width < max_row_width: # truncate the header if necessary # tbl.add_column(header, [truncate_str(str(x, max_wrap_rows), wrap_text) for x in headxf[col]]) tbl.add_column(str(header), [truncate_str(str(x), wrap_text, max_wrap_rows) for x in cols[col]]) table_width = str(tbl).find('\n') num_column_of_last_table += 1 else: # the column does not fit in the current table, push it back to columns columns.append(col) break tbl.align = 'c' row_of_tables.append(tbl) # add a column of all "..." if there are more columns than displayed if self.num_columns() > max_columns: row_of_tables[-1].add_column('...', ['...'] * n_rows) num_column_of_last_table += 1 # add a row of all "..." if there are more rows than displayed if extra_rows: row_of_tables[-1].add_row(['...'] * num_column_of_last_table) return row_of_tables def _create_footer(self, html_flag, max_rows_to_display): sep = '<br>' if html_flag else '\n' if self._is_materialized(): footer = '[{} rows x {} columns]{}'.format(self.num_rows(), self.num_columns(), sep) if self.num_rows() > max_rows_to_display: footer += sep.join(object_utils.FOOTER_STRS) else: footer = '[? rows x {} columns]\n'.format(self.num_columns(), sep) footer += '\n'.join(object_utils.LAZY_FOOTER_STRS) return footer
[docs] def print_rows(self, num_rows=10, num_columns=40, max_column_width=30, max_row_width=None, wrap_text=False, max_wrap_rows=2, footer=True): """ Print the first rows and columns of the XFrame in human readable format. Parameters ---------- num_rows : int, optional Number of rows to print. num_columns : int, optional Number of columns to print. max_column_width : int, optional Maximum width of a column. Columns use fewer characters if possible. max_row_width : int, optional Maximum width of a printed row. Columns beyond this width wrap to a new line. `max_row_width` is automatically reset to be the larger of itself and `max_column_width`. wrap_text : boolean, optional Wrap the text within a cell. Defaults to False. max_wrap_rows : int, optional When wrapping is in effect, the maximum number of resulting rows for each cell before truncation takes place. footer : bool, optional True to pinrt a footer. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.head Returns the first part of a XFrame. xframes.XFrame.tail Returns the last part of an XFrame. """ max_rows_to_display = num_rows max_row_width = max_row_width or object_utils.MAX_ROW_WIDTH max_row_width = max(max_row_width, max_column_width + 1) row_of_tables = self._get_pretty_tables(wrap_text=wrap_text, max_wrap_rows=max_wrap_rows, max_rows_to_display=num_rows, max_columns=num_columns, max_column_width=max_column_width, max_row_width=max_row_width) if footer: footer = self._create_footer(False, max_rows_to_display) else: footer = '' print '\n'.join([str(tb) for tb in row_of_tables]) + '\n' + footer
def __str__(self, num_rows=10, footer=True): """ Returns a string containing the first 10 elements of the frame, along with a description of the frame. """ max_rows_to_display = num_rows row_of_tables = self._get_pretty_tables(wrap_text=False, max_rows_to_display=max_rows_to_display, max_row_width=object_utils.MAX_ROW_WIDTH) if not footer: return '\n'.join([str(tb) for tb in row_of_tables]) footer = self._create_footer(False, max_rows_to_display) return '\n'.join([str(tb) for tb in row_of_tables]) + '\n' + footer def _repr_html_(self): max_rows_to_display = 10 row_of_tables = self._get_pretty_tables(wrap_text=True, max_row_width=object_utils.HTML_MAX_ROW_WIDTH, max_columns=40, max_column_width=25, max_rows_to_display=max_rows_to_display) footer = self._create_footer(True, max_rows_to_display) begin = '<div style="max-height:1000px;max-width:1500px;overflow:auto;">' end = '\n</div>' return begin + '\n'.join([tb.get_html_string(format=True) for tb in row_of_tables]) + '\n' + footer + end def __nonzero__(self): """ Returns true if the frame is not empty. """ return self.num_rows() != 0 def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of rows of the XFrame. """ return self.num_rows() def __copy__(self): """ Returns a shallow copy of the XFrame. """ return XFrame(impl=self._impl.copy())
[docs] def width(self): """ Diagnostic: the number of elements in each tuple of the RDD. """ return XArray(impl=self._impl.width())
[docs] def num_rows(self): """ The number of rows in this XFrame. Returns ------- int Number of rows in the XFrame. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.num_columns Returns the number of columns. """ return self._impl.num_rows()
[docs] def num_columns(self): """ The number of columns in this XFrame. Returns ------- int Number of columns in the XFrame. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.num_rows Returns the number of rows. """ return self._impl.num_columns()
[docs] def column_names(self): """ The name of each column in the XFrame. Returns ------- list[string] Column names of the XFrame. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.rename Renames the columns. """ return copy.copy(self._impl.column_names())
[docs] def column_types(self): """ The type of each column in the XFrame. Returns ------- list[type] Column types of the XFrame. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.dtype This is a synonym for column_types. """ return copy.copy(self._impl.dtype())
[docs] def dtype(self): """ The type of each column in the XFrame. Returns ------- list[type] Column types of the XFrame. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.column_types This is a synonym for dtype. """ return copy.copy(self._impl.dtype())
[docs] def lineage(self): """ The table lineage: the files that went into building this table. Returns ------- dict * key 'table': set[filename] The files that were used to build the XArray * key 'column': dict{column_name: set[filename]} The set of files that were used to build each column """ return self._impl.lineage_as_dict()
[docs] def head(self, n=10): """ The first n rows of the XFrame. Parameters ---------- n : int, optional The number of rows to fetch. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame which contains the first n rows of the current XFrame See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.tail Returns the last part of the XFrame. xframes.XFrame.print_rows Prints the XFrame. """ return XFrame(impl=self._impl.head(n))
[docs] def tail(self, n=10): """ The last n rows of the XFrame. Parameters ---------- n : int, optional The number of rows to fetch. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame which contains the last n rows of the current XFrame. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.head Returns the first part of the XFrame. xframes.XFrame.print_rows Prints the XFrame. """ return XFrame(impl=self._impl.tail(n))
[docs] def to_pandas_dataframe(self): """ Convert this XFrame to pandas.DataFrame. This operation will construct a pandas.DataFrame in memory. Care must be taken when size of the returned object is big. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The dataframe which contains all rows of XFrame. """ if not HAS_PANDAS: raise TypeError('Pandas not found in PYTHONPATH.') df = pandas.DataFrame() for i in range(self.num_columns()): column_name = self.column_names()[i] df[column_name] = list(self[column_name]) if len(df[column_name]) == 0: df[column_name] = df[column_name].astype(self.column_types()[i]) return df
[docs] def to_rdd(self): """ Convert the current XFrame to a Spark RDD. The RDD consists of tuples containing the column data. No conversion is necessary: the internal RDD is returned. Returns ------- spark.RDD The spark RDD that is used to represent the XFrame. See Also -------- from_rdd Converts from a Spark RDD. """ return self._impl.to_rdd()
[docs] def to_spark_dataframe(self, table_name=None, column_names=None, column_type_hints=None, number_of_partitions=None): """ Convert the current XFrame to a Spark DataFrame. Parameters ---------- table_name : str, optional If given, give this name to the temporary table. column_names : list, optional A list of the column names to assign. Defaults to the names in the table, edited to fit the Dataframe restrictions. column_type_hints : dict, optional Column types must be supplied when creating a DataFrame. These hints specify these types, If hints are not given, the column types are derived from the XFrame column types. The column types in DataFrames are more restricted in XFrames. XFrames attempts to supply the correct column types, but cannot always determine the correct settings. The caller can supply hints to ensure the desired settings, but the caller is still responsible for making sure the values in the XFrame are consistent with these settings. * Integers: In DataFrames integers must fit in 64 bits. In python, large integers can be larger. If an XFrame contains such integers, it will fail to store as a DataFrame. The column can be converted to strings in this case. * Lists must be of a uniform type in a DataFrame. The caller must convert lists to meet this requirement, and must provide a hint specifying the element type. * Dictionaries must have a uniform key and value type. The caller must convert dictionaries to meet this requirement and must provide a hint specifying the key and value types. Hints are given as a dictionary of column_name: column_hint. Any column without a hint is handled using the XFrame column type. For simple types, hints are just type names (as strings): int, long float, bool, datetime, or str. For lists, hints are "list[<type>]" where <type> is one of the simple types. For dictionaries, hints are "dict{<key_type>:<value_type>}" where key_type and value_type is one of the simple types. number_of_partitions : int, optional The number of partitions to create. Returns ------- spark.DataFrame The converted spark dataframe. """ return self._impl.to_spark_dataframe(table_name, column_names, column_type_hints, number_of_partitions)
[docs] def from_rdd(cls, rdd, column_names=None, column_types=None): """ Create a XFrame from a spark RDD or spark DataFrame. The data should be: * an RDD of tuples * Each tuple should be of the same length. * Each "column" should be of a uniform type. Parameters ---------- rdd: spark.RDD or spark.DataFrame Data used to populate the XFrame column_names : list of string, optional The column names to use. Ignored for Spark DataFrames. column_types : list of type, optional The column types to use. Ignored for Spark DataFrames. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` See Also -------- to_rdd Converts to a Spark RDD. """ check_res = rdd.take(1) if len(check_res) > 0 \ and check_res[0].__class__.__name__ == 'Row' \ and rdd.__class__.__name__ != 'DataFrame': raise Exception('Conversion from RDD(pyspark.sql.Row) to XFrame not supported. ' + 'Please call inferSchema(RDD) first.') xf = cls() if XFrameImpl.is_dataframe(rdd): xf._impl = XFrameImpl.load_from_spark_dataframe(rdd) elif XFrameImpl.is_rdd(rdd): xf._impl = XFrameImpl.load_from_rdd(rdd, column_names, column_types) else: raise ValueError('Argument is not an RDD.') return xf
[docs] def select_rows(self, xa): """ Selects rows of the XFrame where the XArray evaluates to True. Parameters ---------- xa : :class:`.XArray` Must be the same length as the XFrame. The filter values. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame which contains the rows of the XFrame where the XArray is True. The truth test is the same as in python, so non-zero values are considered true. """ if not isinstance(xa, XArray): raise ValueError('Argument must be an XArray') return XFrame(impl=self._impl.logical_filter(xa.impl()))
[docs] def foreach(self, row_fn, init_fn=None, final_fn=None, use_columns=None, seed=None): """ Apply the given function to each row of a XFrame. This is intended to be used for functions with side effects. Rows are processed in groups. Each group is processed sequentially in one execution context. An initial funciton, if given, is executed forst for each group. Its results are passed to each row function. The row function receives the row data as a dictionary of column name: column value. Parameters ---------- row_fn : function The function to be applied to each row of the XFrame. Any value that is returned is ignored. The row_fn takes two parameters: row and init. The row is a dictionary of column-name: column_value. The init value is returned by init_fn. init_fn : function, optional The function to be applied before row_fn is called. The rows are processed in groups: init_fn is called once for each group. If no init_fn is supplied, the row_fn is passed None as its second parameter. Init_fn takes no parameters. final_fn : function, optional The function to be applied after all row_fn calls are made. Final_fn takes one parameter, the value returned by the init_fn. use_columns : str | list[str], optional The column or list of columns to be supplied in the row passed to the function. If not given, all columns wll be used to build the row. seed : int, optional Used as the seed if a random number generator is included in `fn`. Examples -------- Send rows to an external sink. >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'user_id': [1, 2, 3], 'movie_id': [3, 3, 6], 'rating': [4, 5, 1]}) >>> xf.foreach(lambda row, ini: send(row['user_id'], row['movie_id'], row['rating'])) Send rows to an external sink with modification. >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'user_id': [1, 2, 3], 'movie_id': [3, 3, 6], 'rating': [4, 5, 1]}) >>> xf.foreach(lambda row, bias: send(row['user_id'], row['movie_id'], row['rating'] + bias), lambda: 10) """ if not inspect.isfunction(row_fn): raise TypeError('Row_fn must be a function.') if init_fn is not None and not inspect.isfunction(init_fn): raise TypeError('Init_fn must be a function.') if final_fn is not None and not inspect.isfunction(final_fn): raise TypeError('Final_fn must be a function.') if isinstance(use_columns, basestring): use_columns = [use_columns] if not seed: seed = int(time.time()) if not use_columns: use_columns = self.column_names() self._impl.foreach(row_fn, init_fn, final_fn, use_columns, seed)
[docs] def apply(self, fn, dtype=None, use_columns=None, seed=None): """ Transform each row to an XArray according to a specified function. Returns a new XArray of `dtype` where each element in this XArray is transformed by `fn(x)` where `x` is a single row in the XFrame represented as a dictionary. The `fn` should return exactly one value which can be cast into type `dtype`. If `dtype` is not specified, the first 100 rows of the XFrame are used to make a guess of the target data type. Parameters ---------- fn : function The function to transform each row of the XFrame. The return type should be convertible to `dtype` if `dtype` is not None. dtype : data type, optional The `dtype` of the new XArray. If None, the first 100 elements of the array are used to guess the target data type. use_columns : str | list[str], optional The column or list of columns to be supplied in the row passed to the function. If not given, all columns wll be used to build the row. seed : int, optional Used as the seed if a random number generator is included in `fn`. Returns ------- :class:`.XArray` The XArray transformed by fn. Each element of the XArray is of type `dtype` Examples -------- Concatenate strings from several columns: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'user_id': [1, 2, 3], 'movie_id': [3, 3, 6], 'rating': [4, 5, 1]}) >>> xf.apply(lambda x: str(x['user_id']) + str(x['movie_id']) + str(x['rating'])) dtype: str Rows: 3 ['134', '235', '361'] """ if not inspect.isfunction(fn): raise TypeError('Fn must be a function.') if isinstance(use_columns, basestring): use_columns = [use_columns] rows = self._impl.head_as_list(10) names = self._impl.column_names() if use_columns: col_indexes = [self.column_names().index(col) for col in use_columns] rows = [[row[i] for i in col_indexes] for row in rows] names = [name for name in names if name in use_columns] if dtype is None: dryrun = [fn(dict(zip(names, row))) for row in rows] dtype = infer_type_of_list(dryrun) if not seed: seed = int(time.time()) if not use_columns: use_columns = self.column_names() return XArray(impl=self._impl.apply(fn, dtype, use_columns, seed))
[docs] def transform_col(self, col, fn=None, dtype=None, use_columns=None, seed=None): """ Transform a single column according to a specified function. The remaining columns are not modified. The type of the transformed column types becomes `dtype`, with the new value being the result of `fn(x)`, where `x` is a single row in the XFrame represented as a dictionary. The `fn` should return exactly one value which can be cast into type `dtype`. If `dtype` is not specified, the first 100 rows of the XFrame are used to make a guess of the target data type. Parameters ---------- col : string The name of the column to transform. fn : function, optional The function to transform each row of the XFrame. The return type should be convertible to `dtype` if `dtype` is not None. If the function is not given, an identity function is used. dtype : dtype, optional The column data type of the new XArray. If None, the first 100 elements of the array are used to guess the target data type. use_columns : str | list[str], optional The column or list of columns to be supplied in the row passed to the function. If not given, all columns wll be used to build the row. seed : int, optional Used as the seed if a random number generator is included in `fn`. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` An XFrame with the given column transformed by the function and cast to the given type. Examples -------- Translate values in a column: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'user_id': [1, 2, 3], 'movie_id': [3, 3, 6], 'rating': [4, 5, 1]}) >>> xf.transform_col('rating', lambda row: row['rating'] * 2) Cast values in a column to a different type >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'user_id': [1, 2, 3], 'movie_id': [3, 3, 6], 'rating': [4, 5, 1]}) >>> xf.transform_col('user_id', dtype=str) """ names = self._impl.column_names() if col not in names: raise ValueError('Column name must be in XFrame') if fn is None: def fn(row): return row[col] elif not inspect.isfunction(fn): raise TypeError('Input must be a function.') if isinstance(use_columns, basestring): use_columns = [use_columns] rows = self._impl.head_as_list(10) if use_columns: col_indexes = [self.column_names().index(col_name) for col_name in use_columns] rows = [[row[i] for i in col_indexes] for row in rows] names = [name for name in names if name in use_columns] if dtype is None: dryrun = [fn(dict(zip(names, row))) for row in rows] dtype = infer_type_of_list(dryrun) if not seed: seed = int(time.time()) if not use_columns: use_columns = self.column_names() return XFrame(impl=self._impl.transform_col(col, fn, dtype, use_columns, seed))
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def transform_cols(self, cols, fn=None, dtypes=None, use_columns=None, seed=None): """ Transform multiple columns according to a specified function. The remaining columns are not modified. The type of the transformed column types are given by `dtypes`, with the new values being the result of `fn(x)` where `x` is a single row in the XFrame represented as a dictionary. The `fn` should return a value for each element of cols, which can be cast into the corresponding `dtype`. If `dtypes` is not specified, the first 100 rows of the XFrame are used to make a guess of the target data types. Parameters ---------- cols : list [str] The names of the column to transform. fn : function, optional The function to transform each row of the XFrame. The return value should be a list of values, one for each column of cols. each type should be convertible to the corresponding `dtype` if `dtype` is not None. If the function is not given, an identity function is used. dtypes : list[type], optional The data types of the new columns. There must be one data type for each column in cols. If not supplied, the first 100 elements of the array are used to guess the target data types. use_columns : str | list[str], optional The column or list of columns to be supplied in the row passed to the function. If not given, all columns wll be used to build the row. seed : int, optional Used as the seed if a random number generator is included in `fn`. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` An XFrame with the given columns transformed by the function and cast to the given types. Examples -------- Translate values in a column: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'user_id': [1, 2, 3], 'movie_id': [3, 3, 6], 'rating': [4, 5, 1]}) >>> xf.transform_col(['movie_id', 'rating'], lambda row: [row['movie_id'] + 1, row['rating'] * 2]) Cast types in several columns: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'user_id': [1, 2, 3], 'movie_id': [3, 3, 6], 'rating': [4, 5, 1]}) >>> xf.transform_col(['movie_id', 'rating'], dtype=[str, str]) """ if fn is None: def fn(row): return [row[col] for col in cols] elif not inspect.isfunction(fn): raise TypeError('Input must be a function: {}: {}.'.format(fn, type(fn).__name__)) if dtypes is None: rows = self._impl.head_as_list(10) names = self._impl.column_names() if use_columns: col_indexes = [self.column_names().index(col_name) for col_name in use_columns] rows = [[row[i] for i in col_indexes] for row in rows] names = [name for name in names if name in use_columns] # do the dryrun so we can get column types dryrun = [fn(dict(zip(names, row))) for row in rows] if len(dryrun[0]) != len(cols): raise ValueError('Function return length must match number of cols.') dtypes = [] for index in range(0, len(cols)): dryrun_col = [row[index] for row in dryrun] dtypes.append(infer_type_of_list(dryrun_col)) else: if len(cols) != len(dtypes): raise ValueError('Length of cols and dtypes must match.') if not seed: seed = int(time.time()) if not use_columns: use_columns = self.column_names() return XFrame(impl=self._impl.transform_cols(cols, fn, dtypes, use_columns, seed))
[docs] def detect_type(self, column_name): """ If the column is of string type, and the values can safely be cast to int or float, then return the type to be cast to. Uses the entire column to detect the type. Parameters ---------- column_name : str The name of the column to cast. Returns ------- type int or float: The column can be cast to this type. str: The column cannot be cast to one of the types above. Examples -------- >>> xf = xpatterns.XFrame({'value': ['1', '2', '3']}) >>> xf.detect_type('value') """ column = self.__getitem__(column_name) if not issubclass(column.dtype(), str): return str def classify_type(s): if not isinstance(s, basestring): return 'Expected str, got {}: {}'.format(type(s).__name__, s) if len(s) == 0: return '' if s.startswith('-'): s = s[1:] try: dt = date_parser.parse(s, default=datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) if not s.isdigit() and dt.year != 1: return 'datetime' except ValueError: pass except OverflowError: pass if s.isdigit(): return 'int' if s.replace('.', '', 1).isdigit(): return 'float' if s.startswith('[') or s.startswith('{'): val = ast.literal_eval(s) if isinstance(val, list) or isinstance(val, dict): return type(val).__name__ return 'str' types = list(column.apply(classify_type).unique()) if 'str' in types: return str if '' in types: types.remove('') if len(types) == 1 and types[0] == 'datetime': return datetime.datetime if len(types) == 1 and types[0] == 'list': return list if len(types) == 1 and types[0] == 'dict': return dict if 'datetime' in types: types.remove('datetime') if len(types) == 2 and 'float' in types and 'int' in types: return float if len(types) == 1 and types[0] == 'int': return int if len(types) == 1 and types[0] == 'float': return float return str
[docs] def detect_type_and_cast(self, column_name): """ If the column is of string type, and the values can all be interpreted as integer or float values, then cast the column to the numerical type. Otherwise, returns a copy of the XFrame. Parameters ---------- column_name : str The name of the column to cast. Examples -------- >>> xf = xpatterns.XFrame({'value': ['1', '2', '3']}) >>> xf.detect_type_and_cast('value') """ new_type = self.detect_type(column_name) if new_type is None: return self def cast_int(row): val = row[column_name] if val is None: return [None] if len(val) == 0: return [None] try: return [int(val)] except ValueError: raise ValueError('Cast failed: (int) {}'.format(val)) def cast_float(row): val = row[column_name] if val is None: return [None] if len(val) == 0: return [None] try: return [float(val)] except ValueError: raise ValueError('Cast failed: (float) {}'.format(val)) def cast_datetime(row): val = row[column_name] if val is None: return [None] if len(val) == 0: return [None] try: dt = date_parser.parse(val) return [dt] except ValueError: raise ValueError('Cast failed: (datetime) {}'.format(val)) def cast_list(row): val = row[column_name] if val is None: return [None] if len(val) == 0: return [None] try: lst = ast.literal_eval(val) return [lst] except ValueError: raise ValueError('Cast failed: (list) {}'.format(val)) def cast_dict(row): val = row[column_name] if val is None: return [None] if len(val) == 0: return [None] try: dct = ast.literal_eval(val) return [dct] except ValueError: raise ValueError('Cast failed: (dict) {}'.format(val)) if new_type is int: return XFrame(impl=self._impl.transform_cols([column_name], cast_int, [int], None, 0)) if new_type is float: return XFrame(impl=self._impl.transform_cols([column_name], cast_float, [float], None, 0)) if new_type is list: return XFrame(impl=self._impl.transform_cols([column_name], cast_list, [list], None, 0)) if new_type is dict: return XFrame(impl=self._impl.transform_cols([column_name], cast_dict, [dict], None, 0)) if new_type is datetime.datetime: return XFrame(impl=self._impl.transform_cols([column_name], cast_datetime, [datetime.datetime], None, 0)) return self
[docs] def flat_map(self, column_names, fn, column_types='auto', use_columns=None, seed=None): """ Map each row of the XFrame to multiple rows in a new XFrame via a function. The output of `fn` must have type ``list[list[...]]``. Each inner list will be a single row in the new output, and the collection of these rows within the outer list make up the data for the output XFrame. All rows must have the same length and the same order of types to make sure the result columns are homogeneously typed. For example, if the first element emitted into the outer list by `fn` is ``[43, 2.3, 'string']``, then all other elements emitted into the outer list must be a list with three elements, where the first is an `int`, second is a `float`, and third is a `string`. If `column_types` is not specified, the first 10 rows of the XFrame are used to determine the column types of the returned XFrame. Parameters ---------- column_names : list[str] The column names for the returned XFrame. fn : function The function that maps each of the XFrame rows into multiple rows, returning ``list[list[...]]``. All output rows must have the same length and order of types. The function is passed a dictionary of column name: value for each row. column_types : list[type], optional The column types of the output XFrame. Default value will be automatically inferred by running `fn` on the first 10 rows of the output. use_columns : str | list[str], optional The column or list of columns to be supplied in the row passed to the function. If not given, all columns wll be used to build the row. seed : int, optional Used as the seed if a random number generator is included in `fn`. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame containing the results of the ``flat_map`` of the original XFrame. Examples --------- Repeat each row according to the value in the 'number' column. >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c'], ... 'number': [1, 2, 3]}) >>> xf.flat_map(['number', 'letter'], ... lambda x: [list(x.itervalues()) for _ in range(0, x['number'])]) +--------+--------+ | number | letter | +--------+--------+ | 1 | a | | 2 | b | | 2 | b | | 3 | c | | 3 | c | | 3 | c | +--------+--------+ [6 rows x 2 columns] """ if not inspect.isfunction(fn): raise TypeError('Input must be a function') if not seed: seed = int(time.time()) if isinstance(use_columns, basestring): use_columns = [use_columns] # determine the column_types if column_types == 'auto': types = set() rows = self._impl.head_as_list(10) names = self._impl.column_names() if use_columns: rows = [{k: v for k, v in row.iteritems() if k in use_columns} for row in rows] names = [name for name in names if name in use_columns] results = [fn(dict(zip(names, row))) for row in rows] if not (results is None or isinstance(results, list)): raise TypeError('Output type of the lambda function must be a list of lists.') else: for rows in results: if not isinstance(rows, list): raise TypeError('Output type of the lambda function must be a list of lists.') for row in rows: if not isinstance(row, list): raise TypeError('Output type of the lambda function must be a list of lists.') types.add(tuple([type(v) for v in row])) if len(types) != 1: raise TypeError('Mapped rows must have the same length and types.') column_types = list(types.pop()) if not use_columns: use_columns = self.column_names() if not isinstance(column_types, list): raise TypeError('Column_types must be a list: {} {}.'.format(type(column_types).__name__, column_types)) if not len(column_types) == len(column_names): raise ValueError('Number of output columns must match the size of column names.') return XFrame(impl=self._impl.flat_map(fn, column_names, column_types, use_columns, seed))
[docs] def sample(self, fraction, max_partitions=None, seed=None): """ Sample the current XFrame's rows. Parameters ---------- fraction : float Approximate fraction of the rows to fetch. Must be between 0 and 1. The number of rows returned is approximately the fraction times the number of rows. max_partitions : int, optional After sampling, coalesce to this number of partition. If not given, do not perform this step. seed : int, optional Seed for the random number generator used to sample. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame containing sampled rows of the current XFrame. Examples -------- Suppose we have an XFrame with 6,145 rows. >>> import random >>> xf = XFrame({'id': range(0, 6145)}) Retrieve about 30% of the XFrame rows with repeatable results by setting the random seed. >>> len(xf.sample(.3, seed=5)) 1783 """ if not seed: seed = int(time.time()) if fraction > 1 or fraction < 0: raise ValueError('Invalid sampling rate: {}.'.format(fraction)) if self.num_rows() == 0 or self.num_columns() == 0: return XFrame(impl=self._impl.copy()) else: return XFrame(impl=self._impl.sample(fraction, max_partitions, seed))
[docs] def random_split(self, fraction, seed=None): """ Randomly split the rows of an XFrame into two XFrames. The first XFrame contains *M* rows, sampled uniformly (without replacement) from the original XFrame. *M* is approximately the fraction times the original number of rows. The second XFrame contains the remaining rows of the original XFrame. Parameters ---------- fraction : float Approximate fraction of the rows to fetch for the first returned XFrame. Must be between 0 and 1. seed : int, optional Seed for the random number generator used to split. Returns ------- tuple [:class:`.XFrame`] Two new XFrame. Examples -------- Suppose we have an XFrame with 6,145 rows and we want to randomly split it into training and testing datasets with about a 70%/30% split. >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': range(1024)}) >>> xf_train, xf_test = xf.random_split(.9, seed=5) >>> print len(xf_test), len(xf_train) 102 922 """ if fraction > 1 or fraction < 0: raise ValueError('Invalid sampling rate: {}.'.format(fraction)) if self.num_rows() == 0 or self.num_columns() == 0: return XFrame(), XFrame() if not seed: seed = int(time.time()) # The server side requires this to be an int, so cast if we can try: seed = int(seed) except ValueError: raise ValueError("The 'seed' parameter must be of type int.") impl_pair = self._impl.random_split(fraction, seed) return XFrame(data=[], impl=impl_pair[0]), XFrame(data=[], impl=impl_pair[1])
[docs] def topk(self, column_name, k=10, reverse=False): """ Get k rows according to the largest values in the given column. Result is sorted by `column_name` in the given order (default is descending). When `k` is small, `topk` is more efficient than `sort`. Parameters ---------- column_name : string The column to sort on k : int, optional The number of rows to return reverse : bool, optional If True, return the top k rows in ascending order, otherwise, in descending order. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` An XFrame containing the top k rows sorted by column_name. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.sort Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': range(1000)}) >>> xf['value'] = -xf['id'] >>> xf.topk('id', k=3) +--------+--------+ | id | value | +--------+--------+ | 999 | -999 | | 998 | -998 | | 997 | -997 | +--------+--------+ [3 rows x 2 columns] >>> xf.topk('value', k=3) +--------+--------+ | id | value | +--------+--------+ | 1 | -1 | | 2 | -2 | | 3 | -3 | +--------+--------+ [3 rows x 2 columns] """ if not isinstance(column_name, str): raise TypeError('Column_name must be a string.') xf = self[self[column_name].topk_index(topk=k, reverse=reverse)] return xf.sort(column_name, ascending=reverse)
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs] def save(self, filename, format=None): """ Save the XFrame to a file system for later use. Parameters ---------- filename : string The location to save the XFrame. Either a local directory or a remote URL. If the format is 'binary', a directory will be created at the location which will contain the XFrame. format : {'binary', 'csv', 'tsv', 'parquet', json}, optional Format in which to save the XFrame. Binary saved XFrames can be loaded much faster and without any format conversion losses. If not given, will try to infer the format from filename given. If file name ends with 'csv' or '.csv.gz', then save as 'csv' format. If the file ends with 'json', then save as json file. If the file ends with 'parquet', then save as parquet file. Otherwise save as 'binary' format. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.load xframes.XFrame.XFrame Examples -------- >>> # Save the xframe into binary format >>>'data/training_data_xframe') >>> # Save the xframe into csv format >>>'data/training_data.csv', format='csv') """ if format is None: if filename.endswith(('.csv', '.csv.gz')): format = 'csv' elif filename.endswith(('.tsv', '.tsv.gz')): format = 'tsv' elif filename.endswith('.parquet'): format = 'parquet' elif filename.endswith('.json'): format = 'json' else: format = 'binary' else: if format == 'csv': if not filename.endswith(('.csv', '.csv.gz')): filename += '.csv' elif format == 'tsv': if not filename.endswith(('.tsv', '.tsv.gz')): filename += '.tsv' elif format == 'json': if not filename.endswith('.json'): filename += '.json' elif format == 'parquet': if not filename.endswith('.parquet'): filename += '.parquet' elif format != 'binary': raise ValueError("Invalid format: {}. Supported formats are " + "'csv', 'tsv', 'parquet', 'json', and 'binary'." .format(format)) # Save the XFrame url = make_internal_url(filename) check_output_uri(url) if format == 'binary': elif format == 'csv': if not filename.endswith(('.csv', '.csv.gz')): raise ValueError('File name must end with .csv or .csv.gz.') self._impl.save_as_csv(url) elif format == 'tsv': if not filename.endswith(('.tsv', '.tsv.gz')): raise ValueError('File name must end with .tsv or .tsv.gz.') self._impl.save_as_csv(url, delimiter='\t') elif format == 'json': if not filename.endswith('.json'): raise ValueError('File name must end with .json.') self._impl.save_as_json(url, number_of_partitions=8) elif format == 'parquet': if not filename.endswith('.parquet'): raise ValueError('File name must end with .parquet.') self._impl.save_as_parquet(url, number_of_partitions=8) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported format: {}.'.format(format))
def save_as_parquet(self, filename, column_names=None, column_type_hints=None): url = make_internal_url(filename) check_output_uri(url) self._impl.save_as_parquet(url, column_names=column_names, column_type_hints=column_type_hints, number_of_partitions=8)
[docs] def select_column(self, column_name): """ Return an XArray that corresponds with the given column name. Throws an exception if the column name is something other than a string or if the column name is not found. Subscripting an XFrame by a column name is equivalent to this function. Parameters ---------- column_name : str The column name. Returns ------- :class:`.XArray` The XArray that is referred by `column_name`. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.select_columns Returns multiple columns. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'user_id': [1,2,3], ... 'user_name': ['alice', 'bob', 'charlie']}) >>> # This line is equivalent to `sa = xf['user_name']` >>> sa = xf.select_column('user_name') >>> sa dtype: str Rows: 3 ['alice', 'bob', 'charlie'] """ if not isinstance(column_name, str): raise TypeError('Invalid column_name type must be str.') return XArray(data=[], impl=self._impl.select_column(column_name))
[docs] def select_columns(self, keylist): """ Get XFrame composed only of the columns referred to in the given list of keys. Throws an exception if ANY of the keys are not in this XFrame or if `keylist` is anything other than a list of strings. Parameters ---------- keylist : list[str] The list of column names. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame that is made up of the columns referred to in `keylist` from the current XFrame. The order of the columns is preserved. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.select_column Returns a single column. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'user_id': [1,2,3], ... 'user_name': ['alice', 'bob', 'charlie'], ... 'zipcode': [98101, 98102, 98103] ... }) >>> # This line is equivalent to `xf2 = xf[['user_id', 'zipcode']]` >>> xf2 = xf.select_columns(['user_id', 'zipcode']) >>> xf2 +---------+---------+ | user_id | zipcode | +---------+---------+ | 1 | 98101 | | 2 | 98102 | | 3 | 98103 | +---------+---------+ [3 rows x 2 columns] """ if not hasattr(keylist, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('Keylist must be an iterable.') if not all([isinstance(x, str) for x in keylist]): raise TypeError('Invalid key type: must be str.') key_set = set(keylist) if len(key_set) != len(keylist): for key in key_set: if keylist.count(key) > 1: raise ValueError("There are duplicate keys in key list: '{}'.".format(key)) return XFrame(data=[], impl=self._impl.select_columns(keylist))
[docs] def add_column(self, col, name=''): """ Add a column to this XFrame. The length of the new column must match the length of the existing XFrame. This operation returns a new XFrame with the additional columns. If no `name` is given, a default name is chosen. Parameters ---------- col : :class:`.XArray` The 'column' of data to add. name : string, optional The name of the column. If no name is given, a default name is chosen. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame with the new column. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.add_columns Adds multiple columns. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'val': ['A', 'B', 'C']}) >>> xa = xframes.XArray(['cat', 'dog', 'fossa']) >>> # This line is equivalant to `xf['species'] = xa` >>> xf2 = xf.add_column(xa, name='species') >>> xf2 +----+-----+---------+ | id | val | species | +----+-----+---------+ | 1 | A | cat | | 2 | B | dog | | 3 | C | fossa | +----+-----+---------+ [3 rows x 3 columns] """ # Check type for pandas dataframe or XArray? if not isinstance(col, XArray): raise TypeError('Must give column as XArray.') if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Invalid column name: must be str.') return XFrame(impl=self._impl.add_column(col.impl(), name))
[docs] def add_columns(self, cols, names=None): """ Adds multiple columns to this XFrame. The length of the new columns must match the length of the existing XFrame. This operation returns a new XFrame with the additional columns. Parameters ---------- cols : :class:`.XArray` or list of :class:`.XArray` or :class:`XFrame` The columns to add. If `cols` is an XFrame, all columns in it are added. names : string or list of string, optional If cols is an XArray, then the name of the column. If no name is given, a default name is chosen. If cols is a list of :class:`.XArray`, then a list of column names. All names must be specified. `Namelist` is ignored if `cols` is an XFrame. If there are columns with duplicate names, they will be made unambiguous by adding .1 to the second copy. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` The XFrame with additional columns. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.add_column Adds one column Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'val': ['A', 'B', 'C']}) >>> xa = xframes.XArray(['cat', 'dog', 'fossa']) >>> # This line is equivalant to `xf['species'] = xa` >>> xf2 = xf.add_columns(xa, names='species') >>> xf2 +----+-----+---------+ | id | val | species | +----+-----+---------+ | 1 | A | cat | | 2 | B | dog | | 3 | C | fossa | +----+-----+---------+ [3 rows x 3 columns] >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'val': ['A', 'B', 'C']}) >>> xf2 = xframes.XFrame({'species': ['cat', 'dog', 'horse'], ... 'age': [3, 5, 9]}) >>> xf3 = xf.add_columns(xf2) >>> xf3 +----+-----+-----+---------+ | id | val | age | species | +----+-----+-----+---------+ | 1 | A | 3 | cat | | 2 | B | 5 | dog | | 3 | C | 9 | horse | +----+-----+-----+---------+ [3 rows x 4 columns] """ if isinstance(cols, XFrame): return XFrame(impl=self._impl.add_columns_frame(cols._impl)) if isinstance(cols, XArray): if not isinstance(names, str): raise TypeError('Invalid column name: must be str.') return XFrame(impl=self._impl.add_column(cols.impl(), names)) else: if not hasattr(cols, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('Column list must be an iterable.') if not hasattr(names, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('Namelist must be an iterable.') if not all([isinstance(x, XArray) for x in cols]): raise TypeError('Must give column as XArray.') if not all([isinstance(x, str) for x in names]): raise TypeError("Invalid column name in list : must all be str.") if len(names) != len(cols): raise ValueError('Namelist length mismatch.') cols_impl = [col.impl() for col in cols] return XFrame(impl=self._impl.add_columns_array(cols_impl, names))
[docs] def replace_column(self, name, col): """ Replace a column in this XFrame. The length of the new column must match the length of the existing XFrame. This operation returns a new XFrame with the replacement column. Parameters ---------- name : string The name of the column. col : :class:`.XArray` The 'column' to add. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame with specified column replaced. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'val': ['A', 'B', 'C']}) >>> xa = xframes.XArray(['cat', 'dog', 'horse']) >>> xf2 = xf.replace_column('val', xa) >>> xf2 +----+---------+ | id | species | +----+---------+ | 1 | cat | | 2 | dog | | 3 | horse | +----+---------+ [3 rows x 2 columns] """ # Check type for pandas dataframe or XArray? if not isinstance(col, XArray): raise TypeError('Must give column as XArray.') if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Invalid column name: must be str.') if name not in self.column_names(): raise ValueError('Column name must be in XFrame.') return XFrame(impl=self._impl.replace_selected_column(name, col.impl()))
[docs] def remove_column(self, name): """ Remove one or more columns from this XFrame. This operation returns a new XFrame with the given column or columns removed. Parameters ---------- name : string or list or iterable The name of the column to remove. If a list or iterable is given, all the named columns are removed. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame with given column or columns removed. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'val': ['A', 'B', 'C']}) >>> xf2 = xf.remove_column('val') >>> xf2 +----+ | id | +----+ | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | +----+ [3 rows x 1 columns] >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'val1': ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'val2': [10, 11, 12]}) >>> xf2 = xf.remove_column(['val1', 'val2']) >>> xf2 +----+ | id | +----+ | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | +----+ [3 rows x 1 columns] """ if isinstance(name, basestring): column_names = [name] else: column_names = name for name in column_names: if name not in self.column_names(): raise KeyError("Cannot find column '{}'.".format(name)) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.remove_columns(column_names))
[docs] def remove_columns(self, column_names): """ Removes one or more columns from this XFrame. This operation returns a new XFrame with the given columns removed. Parameters ---------- column_names : list or iterable A list or iterable of the column names. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame with given columns removed. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'val1': ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'val2': [10, 11, 12]}) >>> xf2 = xf.remove_columns(['val1', 'val2']) >>> xf2 +----+ | id | +----+ | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | +----+ [3 rows x 1 columns] """ if not hasattr(column_names, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('Column_names must be an iterable.') for name in column_names: if name not in self.column_names(): raise KeyError("Cannot find column '{}'.".format(name)) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.remove_columns(column_names))
[docs] def swap_columns(self, column_1, column_2): """ Swap the columns with the given names. This operation returns a new XFrame with the given columns swapped. Parameters ---------- column_1 : string Name of column to swap column_2 : string Name of other column to swap Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame with specified columns swapped. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'val': ['A', 'B', 'C']}) >>> xf2 = xf.swap_columns('id', 'val') >>> xf2 +-----+-----+ | val | id | +-----+-----+ | A | 1 | | B | 2 | | C | 3 | +----+-----+ [3 rows x 2 columns] """ if column_1 not in self.column_names(): raise KeyError("Cannot find column '{}'.".format(column_1)) if column_2 not in self.column_names(): raise KeyError("Cannot find column '{}'.".format(column_2)) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.swap_columns(column_1, column_2))
[docs] def reorder_columns(self, column_names): """ Reorder the columns in the table. This operation returns a new XFrame with the given columns reordered. Parameters ---------- column_names : list of string Names of the columns in desired order. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame with reordered columns. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.select_columns Returns a subset of the columns but does not change the column order. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'val': ['A', 'B', 'C']}) >>> xf2 = xf.reorder_columns(['val', 'id']) >>> xf2 +-----+-----+ | val | id | +-----+-----+ | A | 1 | | B | 2 | | C | 3 | +----+------+ [3 rows x 2 columns] """ if not hasattr(column_names, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('Keylist must be an iterable.') for col in column_names: if col not in self.column_names(): raise KeyError("Cannot find column '{}'.".format(col)) for col in self.column_names(): if col not in column_names: raise KeyError("Column '{}' not assigned'.".format(col)) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.reorder_columns(column_names))
[docs] def rename(self, names): """ Rename the given columns. `Names` can be a dict specifying the old and new names. This changes the names of the columns given as the keys and replaces them with the names given as the values. Alternatively, `names` can be a list of the new column names. In this case it must be the same length as the number of columns. This operation returns a new XFrame with the given columns renamed. Parameters ---------- names : dict [string, string] | list [ string ] Dictionary of [old_name, new_name] or list of new names Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame with columns renamed. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.column_names Examples -------- >>> xf = XFrame({'X.1': ['Alice','Bob'], ... 'X.2': ['123 Fake Street','456 Fake Street']}) >>> xf2 = xf.rename({'X.1': 'name', 'X.2':'address'}) >>> xf2 +-------+-----------------+ | name | address | +-------+-----------------+ | Alice | 123 Fake Street | | Bob | 456 Fake Street | +-------+-----------------+ [2 rows x 2 columns] """ if not isinstance(names, (list, dict)): raise TypeError('Names must be a dictionary: oldname -> newname or a list of newname ({}).' .format(type(names).__name__)) if isinstance(names, dict): new_names = copy.copy(self.column_names()) for k in names: if k not in self.column_names(): raise ValueError("Cannot find column '{}' in the XFrame.".format(k)) index = self.column_names().index(k) new_names[index] = names[k] else: new_names = names if len(new_names) != len(self.column_names()): raise ValueError('Names must be the same length as the number of columns (names: {} columns: {}).' .format(len(new_names), len(self.column_names()))) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.replace_column_names(new_names))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ This provides XFrame "indexing", for examle xf['column_name']. The type of the index determine what the construct does: electing a column, doing a logical filter, or returning one or more rows from the XFrame. This method does things based on the type of `key`. If `key` is: * str Calls `select_column` on `key` to return a single column as an XArray. * XArray Performs a logical filter. Expects given XArray to be the same length as all columns in current XFrame. Every row corresponding with an entry in the given XArray that is equivalent to False is filtered from the result. * int Returns a single row of the XFrame (the `key`th one) as a dictionary. * slice Returns an XFrame including only the sliced rows. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [4, 6, 8], 'val': ['D', 'F', 'H']}) >>> xf """ if isinstance(key, XArray): return self.select_rows(key) if isinstance(key, list): return self.select_columns(key) if isinstance(key, str): return self.select_column(key) if isinstance(key, unicode): return self.select_column(str(key)) if isinstance(key, int): if key < 0: key += len(self) if key >= len(self): raise IndexError('XFrame index out of range (too high).') res = list(XFrame(impl=self._impl.copy_range(key, 1, key + 1))) if len(res) == 0: raise IndexError('XFrame index out of range (too low).') return res[0] if isinstance(key, slice): start = key.start stop = key.stop step = key.step if start is None: start = 0 if stop is None: stop = len(self) if step is None: step = 1 # handle negative indices if start < 0: start += len(self) if stop < 0: stop += len(self) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.copy_range(start, step, stop)) raise TypeError('Invalid index type: must be XArray, ' + "'int', 'list', slice, or 'str': ({}).".format(type(key).__name__))
def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Adds columns and returns the modified XFrame. Key can be either a list or a str. If value is an XArray, it is added to the XFrame as a column. If it is a constant value (int, str, or float), then a column is created where every entry is equal to the constant value. Existing columns can also be replaced using this wrapper. """ if isinstance(key, list): column_list = value if isinstance(value, XFrame): for name in value.column_names(): if name in self.column_names(): raise ValueError("Column '{}' already exists in current XFrame.".format(name)) self._impl.add_columns_frame_in_place(value._impl) else: if not hasattr(column_list, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('Column list must be an iterable.') if not hasattr(key, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('Namelist must be an iterable.') if not all([isinstance(x, XArray) for x in column_list]): raise TypeError('Must give column as XArray.') if not all([isinstance(x, str) for x in key]): raise TypeError("Invalid column name in list : must all be 'str'.") if len(key) != len(column_list): raise ValueError('Namelist length mismatch.') cols_impl = [col.impl() for col in column_list] self._impl.add_columns_array_in_place(cols_impl, key) elif isinstance(key, str): if isinstance(value, XArray): sa_value = value elif hasattr(value, '__iter__'): # wrap list, array... to xarray sa_value = XArray(value) else: # Special case of adding a const column. # It is very inefficient to create a column and then zip it in # a) num_rows() is inefficient # b) parallelize is inefficient # c) partitions differ, so zip --> zipWithIndex, sortByKey, etc # Map it in instead if not isinstance(value, (int, float, str, array.array, list, dict)): raise TypeError("Cannot create xarray of value type '{}'.".format(type(value).__name__)) if key not in self.column_names(): self._impl.add_column_const_in_place(key, value) else: self._impl.replace_column_const_in_place(key, value) return # set new column if key not in self.column_names(): self._impl.add_column_in_place(sa_value.impl(), key) else: # special case if replacing the only column. # server would fail the replacement if the new column has different # length than current one, which doesn't make sense if we are replacing # the only column. To support this, we call a different function in the # implementation. single_column = (self.num_columns() == 1) if single_column: self._impl.replace_single_column_in_place(key, sa_value.impl()) else: self._impl.replace_selected_column_in_place(key, sa_value.impl()) else: raise TypeError('Cannot set column with key type {}.'.format(type(key).__name__)) def __delitem__(self, name): """ Removes a column and returns the modified XFrame. """ if name not in self.column_names(): raise KeyError("Cannot find column '{}'.".format(name)) self._impl.remove_column_in_place(name) return self
[docs] def persist(self, persist_flag): """ Persist or unpersist the underlying data storage object. Persisting makes a copy of the object on the disk, so that it does not have to be recomputed in times of low memory. Unpersisting frees up this space. Parameters ---------- persist_flag : boolean If True, peersist the object. If False, unpersist it. """ self._impl.persist(persist_flag)
def _materialize(self): """ For an XFrame that is lazily evaluated, force the persistence of the XFrame to disk, committing all lazy evaluated operations. """ self._impl.materialize() def _is_materialized(self): """ Returns whether or not the XFrame has been materialized. """ return self._impl.is_materialized() def __iter__(self): """ Provides an iterator to the rows of the XFrame. """ def generator(): # The more we get at a time, the more buffer space it takes. # But getting a lot of items takes a lot of time, if we only need a few. # Getting more is expensive, because we have to number everything and then # filter out the ones we don't want. This is a compromise. # TODO: start with getting fwer, and if that is not enough, get # TODO: a bigger chunk. elems_at_a_time = 200000 self._impl.begin_iterator() ret = self._impl.iterator_get_next(elems_at_a_time) column_names = self.column_names() while True: for j in ret: # Iterator returns dictionaries yield dict(zip(column_names, j)) if len(ret) == elems_at_a_time: ret = self._impl.iterator_get_next(elems_at_a_time) else: break return generator()
[docs] def range(self, key): """ Extracts and returns rows of the XFrame. Parameters ---------- key: int or slice If `key` is: * int Returns a single row of the XFrame (the `key`th one) as a dictionary. * slice Returns an XFrame including only the sliced rows. Returns ------- dict or :class:`.XFrame` The specified row of the XFrame or an XFrame containing the specified rows. """ if isinstance(key, int): if key < 0: key += len(self) if key >= len(self): raise IndexError('XFrame index out of range (too high).') res = list(XFrame(impl=self._impl.copy_range(key, 1, key + 1))) if len(res) == 0: raise IndexError('XFrame index out of range (too low).') return res[0] # return list(XFrame(impl=self._impl.copy_range(key, 1, key + 1)))[0] elif isinstance(key, slice): start = key.start stop = key.stop step = key.step if start is None: start = 0 if stop is None: stop = len(self) if step is None: step = 1 # handle negative indices if start < 0: start += len(self) if stop < 0: stop += len(self) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.copy_range(start, step, stop)) else: raise TypeError("Invalid argument type: must be int or slice ({}).".format(type(key).__name__))
[docs] def append(self, other): """ Add the rows of an XFrame to the end of this XFrame. Both XFrame must have the same set of columns with the same column names and column types. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`.XFrame` Another XFrame whose rows are appended to the current XFrame. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` The result XFrame from the append operation. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [4, 6, 8], 'val': ['D', 'F', 'H']}) >>> xf2 = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'val': ['A', 'B', 'C']}) >>> xf = xf.append(xf2) +----+-----+ | 4 | D | | 6 | F | | 8 | H | | 1 | A | | 2 | B | | 3 | C | +----+-----+ [6 rows x 2 columns] """ if not isinstance(other, XFrame): raise RuntimeError('XFrame append can only work with XFrame.') left_empty = len(self.column_names()) == 0 right_empty = len(other.column_names()) == 0 if left_empty and right_empty: return XFrame() if left_empty or right_empty: non_empty_xframe = self if right_empty else other return non_empty_xframe # check length of names my_column_names = self.column_names() my_column_types = self.column_types() other_column_names = other.column_names() other_column_types = other.column_types() if len(my_column_names) != len(other_column_names): raise RuntimeError('Two XFrames must have the same number of columns.') # check if the order of column name is the same for i in range(len(my_column_names)): if other_column_names[i] != my_column_names[i]: raise RuntimeError('Column {} name is not the same in two XFrames, one is {} the other is {}.' .format(my_column_names[i], my_column_names[i], other_column_names[i])) # check column type if my_column_types[i] != other_column_types[i]: raise RuntimeError('Column {} type is not the same in two XFrames, one is {} the other is {}.' .format(my_column_names[i], my_column_types[i], other_column_types)) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.append(other.impl()))
def _groupby(self, key_columns, operations, *args): # TODO: groupby CONCAT produces unicode output from utf8 input # TODO: Preserve character encoding. operations = operations or {} # some basic checking first # make sure key_columns is a list if isinstance(key_columns, str): key_columns = [key_columns] # check that every column is a string, and is a valid column name my_column_names = self.column_names() my_column_types = self.column_types() key_columns_array = [] for column in key_columns: if not isinstance(column, str): raise TypeError('Column name must be a string.') if column not in my_column_names: raise KeyError("Column '{}' does not exist in XFrame.".format(column)) column_type = my_column_types[my_column_names.index(column)] if column_type is dict: raise TypeError('Cannot group on a dictionary column.') key_columns_array.append(column) group_output_columns = [] group_columns = [] group_properties = [] all_ops = [operations] + list(args) for op_entry in all_ops: # if it is not a dict, nor a list, it is just a single aggregator # element (probably COUNT). wrap it in a list so we can reuse the # list processing code operation = op_entry if not (isinstance(operation, list) or isinstance(operation, dict)): operation = [operation] if isinstance(operation, dict): # now sweep the dict and add to group_columns and group_properties for key, val in operation.iteritems(): if not isinstance(val, tuple) and not callable(val): raise TypeError("Unexpected type in aggregator definition of output column: '{}'" .format(key)) if callable(val): prop, column = val() else: prop, column = val num_args = prop.num_args if num_args == 2 and (isinstance(column[0], tuple)) != (isinstance(key, tuple)): raise TypeError('Output column(s) and aggregate column(s) for ' + 'aggregate operation should be either all tuple or all string.') if num_args == 2 and isinstance(column[0], tuple): for (col, output) in zip(column[0], key): group_columns += [[col, column[1]]] group_properties += [prop] group_output_columns += [output] else: group_columns += [column] group_properties += [prop] group_output_columns += [key] elif isinstance(operation, list): # we will be using automatically defined column names for val in operation: if not isinstance(val, tuple) and not callable(val): raise TypeError('Unexpected type in aggregator definition.') if callable(val): prop, column = val() else: prop, column = val num_args = prop.num_args if num_args == 2 and isinstance(column[0], tuple): for col in column[0]: group_columns += [[col, column[1]]] group_properties += [prop] group_output_columns += [''] else: group_columns += [column] group_properties += [prop] group_output_columns += [''] # let's validate group_columns for cols in group_columns: for col in cols: if not isinstance(col, str): raise TypeError('Column name must be a string.') # TODO: test for num_args != 0 or don't store empty column name if col != '' and col not in my_column_names: raise KeyError("Column '{}' does not exist in XFrame.".format(col)) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.groupby_aggregate(key_columns_array, group_columns, group_output_columns, group_properties))
[docs] def groupby(self, key_columns, operations=None, *args): """ Perform a group on the `key_columns` followed by aggregations on the columns listed in `operations`. The `operations` parameter is a dictionary that indicates which aggregation operators to use and which columns to use them on. The available operators are SUM, MAX, MIN, COUNT, MEAN, VARIANCE, STD, CONCAT, SELECT_ONE, ARGMIN, ARGMAX, and QUANTILE. See :mod:`~xframes.aggregate` for more detail on the aggregators. Parameters ---------- key_columns : string | list[string] Column(s) to group by. Key columns can be of any type other than dictionary. operations : dict, list, optional Dictionary of columns and aggregation operations. Each key is a output column name and each value is an aggregator. This can also be a list of aggregators, in which case column names will be automatically assigned. \*args All other remaining arguments will be interpreted in the same way as the operations argument. Returns ------- out_xf : :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame, with a column for each groupby column and each aggregation operation. See Also -------- :mod:`xframes.aggregate` Examples -------- Suppose we have an XFrame with movie ratings by many users. >>> import xframes.aggregate as agg >>> url = 'http://atg-testdata/rating.csv' >>> xf = xframes.XFrame.read_csv(url) >>> xf +---------+----------+--------+ | user_id | movie_id | rating | +---------+----------+--------+ | 25904 | 1663 | 3 | | 25907 | 1663 | 3 | | 25923 | 1663 | 3 | | 25924 | 1663 | 3 | | 25928 | 1663 | 2 | | 25933 | 1663 | 4 | | 25934 | 1663 | 4 | | 25935 | 1663 | 4 | | 25936 | 1663 | 5 | | 25937 | 1663 | 2 | | ... | ... | ... | +---------+----------+--------+ [10000 rows x 3 columns] Compute the number of occurrences of each user. >>> user_count = xf.groupby('user_id', ... {'count': agg.COUNT()}) >>> user_count +---------+-------+ | user_id | count | +---------+-------+ | 62361 | 1 | | 30727 | 1 | | 40111 | 1 | | 50513 | 1 | | 35140 | 1 | | 42352 | 1 | | 29667 | 1 | | 46242 | 1 | | 58310 | 1 | | 64614 | 1 | | ... | ... | +---------+-------+ [9852 rows x 2 columns] Compute the mean and standard deviation of ratings per user. >>> user_rating_stats = xf.groupby('user_id', ... { ... 'mean_rating': agg.MEAN('rating'), ... 'std_rating': agg.STD('rating') ... }) >>> user_rating_stats +---------+-------------+------------+ | user_id | mean_rating | std_rating | +---------+-------------+------------+ | 62361 | 5.0 | 0.0 | | 30727 | 4.0 | 0.0 | | 40111 | 2.0 | 0.0 | | 50513 | 4.0 | 0.0 | | 35140 | 4.0 | 0.0 | | 42352 | 5.0 | 0.0 | | 29667 | 4.0 | 0.0 | | 46242 | 5.0 | 0.0 | | 58310 | 2.0 | 0.0 | | 64614 | 2.0 | 0.0 | | ... | ... | ... | +---------+-------------+------------+ [9852 rows x 3 columns] Compute the movie with the minimum rating per user. >>> chosen_movies = xf.groupby('user_id', ... { ... 'worst_movies': agg.ARGMIN('rating','movie_id') ... }) >>> chosen_movies +---------+-------------+ | user_id | worst_movies | +---------+-------------+ | 62361 | 1663 | | 30727 | 1663 | | 40111 | 1663 | | 50513 | 1663 | | 35140 | 1663 | | 42352 | 1663 | | 29667 | 1663 | | 46242 | 1663 | | 58310 | 1663 | | 64614 | 1663 | | ... | ... | +---------+-------------+ [9852 rows x 2 columns] Compute the movie with the max rating per user and also the movie with the maximum imdb-ranking per user. >>> xf['imdb-ranking'] = xf['rating'] * 10 >>> chosen_movies = xf.groupby('user_id', ... {('max_rating_movie','max_imdb_ranking_movie'): ... agg.ARGMAX(('rating','imdb-ranking'),'movie_id')}) >>> chosen_movies +---------+------------------+------------------------+ | user_id | max_rating_movie | max_imdb_ranking_movie | +---------+------------------+------------------------+ | 62361 | 1663 | 16630 | | 30727 | 1663 | 16630 | | 40111 | 1663 | 16630 | | 50513 | 1663 | 16630 | | 35140 | 1663 | 16630 | | 42352 | 1663 | 16630 | | 29667 | 1663 | 16630 | | 46242 | 1663 | 16630 | | 58310 | 1663 | 16630 | | 64614 | 1663 | 16630 | | ... | ... | ... | +---------+------------------+------------------------+ [9852 rows x 3 columns] Compute the movie with the max rating per user. >>> chosen_movies = xf.groupby('user_id', ... {'best_movies': agg.ARGMAX('rating','movie')}) Compute the movie with the max rating per user and also the movie with the maximum imdb-ranking per user. >>> chosen_movies = xf.groupby('user_id', ... {('max_rating_movie','max_imdb_ranking_movie'): ... agg.ARGMAX(('rating','imdb-ranking'),'movie')}) Compute the count, mean, and standard deviation of ratings per (user, time), automatically assigning output column names. >>> xf['time'] = xf.apply(lambda x: (x['user_id'] + x['movie_id']) % 11 + 2000) >>> user_rating_stats = xf.groupby(['user_id', 'time'], ... [agg.COUNT(), ... agg.MEAN('rating'), ... agg.STDV('rating')]) >>> user_rating_stats +------+---------+-------+---------------+----------------+ | time | user_id | Count | Avg of rating | Stdv of rating | +------+---------+-------+---------------+----------------+ | 2006 | 61285 | 1 | 4.0 | 0.0 | | 2000 | 36078 | 1 | 4.0 | 0.0 | | 2003 | 47158 | 1 | 3.0 | 0.0 | | 2007 | 34446 | 1 | 3.0 | 0.0 | | 2010 | 47990 | 1 | 3.0 | 0.0 | | 2003 | 42120 | 1 | 5.0 | 0.0 | | 2007 | 44940 | 1 | 4.0 | 0.0 | | 2008 | 58240 | 1 | 4.0 | 0.0 | | 2002 | 102 | 1 | 1.0 | 0.0 | | 2009 | 52708 | 1 | 3.0 | 0.0 | | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | +------+---------+-------+---------------+----------------+ [10000 rows x 5 columns] The groupby function can take a variable length list of aggregation specifiers so if we want the count and the 0.25 and 0.75 quantiles of ratings: >>> user_rating_stats = xf.groupby(['user_id', 'time'], agg.COUNT(), ... {'rating_quantiles': agg.QUANTILE('rating',[0.25, 0.75])}) >>> user_rating_stats +------+---------+-------+------------------------+ | time | user_id | Count | rating_quantiles | +------+---------+-------+------------------------+ | 2006 | 61285 | 1 | array('d', [4.0, 4.0]) | | 2000 | 36078 | 1 | array('d', [4.0, 4.0]) | | 2003 | 47158 | 1 | array('d', [3.0, 3.0]) | | 2007 | 34446 | 1 | array('d', [3.0, 3.0]) | | 2010 | 47990 | 1 | array('d', [3.0, 3.0]) | | 2003 | 42120 | 1 | array('d', [5.0, 5.0]) | | 2007 | 44940 | 1 | array('d', [4.0, 4.0]) | | 2008 | 58240 | 1 | array('d', [4.0, 4.0]) | | 2002 | 102 | 1 | array('d', [1.0, 1.0]) | | 2009 | 52708 | 1 | array('d', [3.0, 3.0]) | | ... | ... | ... | ... | +------+---------+-------+------------------------+ [10000 rows x 4 columns] To put all items a user rated into one list value by their star rating: >>> user_rating_stats = xf.groupby(["user_id", "rating"], ... {"rated_movie_ids": agg.CONCAT("movie_id")}) >>> user_rating_stats +--------+---------+----------------------+ | rating | user_id | rated_movie_ids | +--------+---------+----------------------+ | 3 | 31434 | array('d', [1663.0]) | | 5 | 25944 | array('d', [1663.0]) | | 4 | 38827 | array('d', [1663.0]) | | 4 | 51437 | array('d', [1663.0]) | | 4 | 42549 | array('d', [1663.0]) | | 4 | 49532 | array('d', [1663.0]) | | 3 | 26124 | array('d', [1663.0]) | | 4 | 46336 | array('d', [1663.0]) | | 4 | 52133 | array('d', [1663.0]) | | 5 | 62361 | array('d', [1663.0]) | | ... | ... | ... | +--------+---------+----------------------+ [9952 rows x 3 columns] To put all items and rating of a given user together into a dictionary value: >>> user_rating_stats = xf.groupby("user_id", ... {"movie_rating": agg.CONCAT("movie_id", "rating")}) >>> user_rating_stats +---------+--------------+ | user_id | movie_rating | +---------+--------------+ | 62361 | {1663: 5} | | 30727 | {1663: 4} | | 40111 | {1663: 2} | | 50513 | {1663: 4} | | 35140 | {1663: 4} | | 42352 | {1663: 5} | | 29667 | {1663: 4} | | 46242 | {1663: 5} | | 58310 | {1663: 2} | | 64614 | {1663: 2} | | ... | ... | +---------+--------------+ [9852 rows x 2 columns] """ return self._groupby(key_columns, operations, *args)
[docs] def join(self, right, on=None, how='inner'): """ Merge two XFrames. Merges the current (left) XFrame with the given (right) XFrame using a SQL-style equi-join operation by columns. Parameters ---------- right : :class:`.XFrame` The XFrame to join. on : str | list | dict, optional The column name(s) representing the set of join keys. Each row that has the same value in this set of columns will be merged together. * If `on` is not given, the join keyd are all columns in the left and right XFrames that have the same name * If a string is given, this is interpreted as a join using one column, where both XFrames have the same column name. * If a list is given, this is interpreted as a join using one or more column names, where each column name given exists in both XFrames. * If a dict is given, each dict key is taken as a column name in the left XFrame, and each dict value is taken as the column name in right XFrame that will be joined together. e.g. {'left_column_name':'right_column_name'}. how : {'inner', 'left', 'right', 'outer', 'full'}, optional The type of join to perform. 'inner' is default. * inner: Equivalent to a SQL inner join. Result consists of the rows from the two frames whose join key values match exactly, merged together into one XFrame. * left: Equivalent to a SQL left outer join. Result is the union between the result of an inner join and the rest of the rows from the left XFrame, merged with missing values. * right: Equivalent to a SQL right outer join. Result is the union between the result of an inner join and the rest of the rows from the right XFrame, merged with missing values. * full: Equivalent to a SQL full outer join. Result is the union between the result of a left outer join and a right outer join. * cartesian: Cartesian product of left and right tables, with columns from each. There is no common column matching: the resulting number of rows is the product of the row counts of the left and right XFrames. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` The joined XFrames. Examples -------- >>> animals = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3, 4], ... 'name': ['dog', 'cat', 'sheep', 'cow']}) >>> sounds = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 3, 4, 5], ... 'sound': ['woof', 'baa', 'moo', 'oink']}) >>> animals.join(sounds, how='inner') +----+-------+-------+ | id | name | sound | +----+-------+-------+ | 1 | dog | woof | | 3 | sheep | baa | | 4 | cow | moo | +----+-------+-------+ [3 rows x 3 columns] >>> animals.join(sounds, on='id', how='left') +----+-------+-------+ | id | name | sound | +----+-------+-------+ | 1 | dog | woof | | 3 | sheep | baa | | 4 | cow | moo | | 2 | cat | None | +----+-------+-------+ [4 rows x 3 columns] >>> animals.join(sounds, on=['id'], how='right') +----+-------+-------+ | id | name | sound | +----+-------+-------+ | 1 | dog | woof | | 3 | sheep | baa | | 4 | cow | moo | | 5 | None | oink | +----+-------+-------+ [4 rows x 3 columns] >>> animals.join(sounds, on={'id':'id'}, how='full') +----+-------+-------+ | id | name | sound | +----+-------+-------+ | 1 | dog | woof | | 3 | sheep | baa | | 4 | cow | moo | | 5 | None | oink | | 2 | cat | None | +----+-------+-------+ [5 rows x 3 columns] """ available_join_types = ['inner', 'left', 'right', 'full', 'cartesian'] if not isinstance(right, XFrame): raise TypeError('Can only join two XFrames.') if how not in available_join_types: raise ValueError('Invalid join type.') join_keys = dict() if on is None: left_names = self.column_names() right_names = right.column_names() common_columns = [name for name in left_names if name in right_names] for name in common_columns: join_keys[name] = name elif isinstance(on, str): join_keys[on] = on elif isinstance(on, list): for name in on: if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Join keys must each be a str.') join_keys[name] = name elif isinstance(on, dict): join_keys = on else: raise TypeError("Must pass a 'str', 'list', or 'dict' of join keys.") return XFrame(impl=self._impl.join(right._impl, how, join_keys))
[docs] def split_datetime(self, expand_column, column_name_prefix=None, limit=None): """ Splits a datetime column of XFrame to multiple columns, with each value in a separate column. Returns a new XFrame with the expanded column replaced with a list of new columns. The expanded column must be of datetime.datetime type. For more details regarding name generation and other, refer to :py:func:`xframes.XArray.expand()` Parameters ---------- expand_column : str Name of the unpacked column. column_name_prefix : str, optional If provided, expanded column names would start with the given prefix. If not provided, the default value is the name of the expanded column. limit : list[str], optional Limits the set of datetime elements to expand. Elements are 'year','month','day','hour','minute', and 'second'. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame that contains rest of columns from original XFrame with the given column replaced with a collection of expanded columns. Examples -------- >>> xf Columns: id int submission datetime.datetime Rows: 2 Data: +----+----------------------------------------------------------+ | id | submission | +----+----------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 21, 7, 17, 21) | | 2 | datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 21, 5, 43, 21) | +----+----------------------------------------------------------+ >>> xf.split_datetime('submission',limit=['hour','minute']) Columns: id int submission.hour int submission.minute int Rows: 2 Data: +----+-----------------+-------------------+ | id | submission.hour | submission.minute | +----+-----------------+-------------------+ | 1 | 7 | 17 | | 2 | 5 | 43 | +----+-----------------+-------------------+ """ # TODO: example above output is not correct -- prints differently if expand_column not in self.column_names(): raise KeyError("Column '{}' does not exist in current XFrame.".format(expand_column)) if column_name_prefix is None: column_name_prefix = expand_column # let xarray.split_datetime check limit parameter new_xf = self[expand_column].split_datetime(column_name_prefix, limit) # construct return XFrame, check if there is conflict rest_columns = [name for name in self.column_names() if name != expand_column] new_names = new_xf.column_names() while set(new_names).intersection(rest_columns): new_names = [name + '.1' for name in new_names] new_xf.rename(dict(zip(new_xf.column_names(), new_names))) ret_xf = self.select_columns(rest_columns) return ret_xf.add_columns(new_xf)
# noinspection PyComparisonWithNone
[docs] def filterby(self, values, column_name, exclude=False): """ Filter an XFrame by values inside an iterable object. Result is an XFrame that only includes (or excludes) the rows that have a column with the given `column_name` which holds one of the values in the given `values` XArray. If `values` is not an XArray, we attempt to convert it to one before filtering. Parameters ---------- values : :class:`.XArray` | list |tuple | set | iterable | numpy.ndarray | pandas.Series | str | function The values to use to filter the XFrame. The resulting XFrame will only include rows that have one of these values in the given column. If this is f function, it is called on each row and is passed the value in the column given by 'column_name'. The result includes rows where the function returns True. column_name : str | None The column of the XFrame to match with the given `values`. This can only be None if the values argument is a function. In this case, the function is passed the whole row. exclude : bool If True, the result XFrame will contain all rows EXCEPT those that have one of `values` in `column_name`. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` The filtered XFrame. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3, 4], ... 'animal_type': ['dog', 'cat', 'cow', 'horse'], ... 'name': ['bob', 'jim', 'jimbob', 'bobjim']}) >>> household_pets = ['cat', 'hamster', 'dog', 'fish', 'bird', 'snake'] >>> xf.filterby(household_pets, 'animal_type') +-------------+----+------+ | animal_type | id | name | +-------------+----+------+ | dog | 1 | bob | | cat | 2 | jim | +-------------+----+------+ [2 rows x 3 columns] >>> xf.filterby(household_pets, 'animal_type', exclude=True) +-------------+----+--------+ | animal_type | id | name | +-------------+----+--------+ | horse | 4 | bobjim | | cow | 3 | jimbob | +-------------+----+--------+ [2 rows x 3 columns] """ if isinstance(values, types.FunctionType) and column_name is None: return XFrame(impl=self._impl.filter_by_function_row(values, exclude)) if not isinstance(column_name, str): raise TypeError('Column_name must be a string.') existing_columns = self.column_names() if column_name not in existing_columns: raise KeyError("Column '{}' not in XFrame.".format(column_name)) if isinstance(values, types.FunctionType): return XFrame(impl=self._impl.filter_by_function(values, column_name, exclude)) existing_type = self.column_types()[existing_columns.index(column_name)] # If we are given the values directly, use filter. if not isinstance(values, XArray): # If we were given a single element, put into a set. # If iterable, then convert to a set. if isinstance(values, basestring): # Strings are iterable, but we don't want a set of characters. values = {values} elif not hasattr(values, '__iter__'): values = {values} else: # Make a new set from the iterable. values = set(values) if len(values) == 0: raise ValueError('Value list is empty.') value_type = type(next(iter(values))) if value_type != existing_type: raise TypeError("Value type ({}) does not match column type ({}).".format( value_type.__name__, existing_type.__name__)) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.filter(values, column_name, exclude)) # If we have xArray, then use a different strategy based on join. value_xf = XFrame().add_column(values, column_name) # Make sure the values list has unique values, or else join will not filter. value_xf = value_xf.groupby(column_name, {}) existing_type = self.column_types()[existing_columns.index(column_name)] given_type = value_xf.column_types()[0] if given_type is not existing_type: raise TypeError("Type of given values ('{}') does not match type of column '{}' ('{}') in XFrame." .format(given_type, column_name, existing_type)) if exclude: id_name = "id" # Make sure this name is unique so we know what to remove in # the result while id_name in existing_columns: id_name += '1' value_xf = value_xf.add_row_number(id_name) tmp = XFrame(impl=self._impl.join(value_xf.impl(), 'left', {column_name: column_name})) # DO NOT CHANGE the next line -- it is XArray operator == ret_xf = tmp[tmp[id_name] == None] del ret_xf[id_name] return ret_xf else: return XFrame(impl=self._impl.join(value_xf.impl(), 'inner', {column_name: column_name}))
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def pack_columns(self, columns=None, column_prefix=None, dtype=list, fill_na=None, remove_prefix=True, new_column_name=None): """ Pack two or more columns of the current XFrame into one single column. The result is a new XFrame with the unaffected columns from the original XFrame plus the newly created column. The list of columns that are packed is chosen through either the `columns` or `column_prefix` parameter. Only one of the parameters is allowed to be provided: `columns` explicitly specifies the list of columns to pack, while `column_prefix` specifies that all columns that have the given prefix are to be packed. The type of the resulting column is decided by the `dtype` parameter. Allowed values for `dtype` are dict, array.array list, and tuple: - dict: pack to a dictionary XArray where column name becomes dictionary key and column value becomes dictionary value - array.array: pack all values from the packing columns into an array - list: pack all values from the packing columns into a list. - tuple: pack all values from the packing columns into a tuple. Parameters ---------- columns : list[str], optional A list of column names to be packed. There needs to have at least two columns to pack. If omitted and `column_prefix` is not specified, all columns from current XFrame are packed. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `column_prefix` parameter. column_prefix : str, optional Pack all columns with the given `column_prefix`. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `columns` parameter. dtype : dict | array.array | list | tuple, optional The resulting packed column type. If not provided, dtype is list. fill_na : value, optional Value to fill into packed column if missing value is encountered. If packing to dictionary, `fill_na` is only applicable to dictionary values; missing keys are not replaced. remove_prefix : bool, optional If True and `column_prefix` is specified, the dictionary key will be constructed by removing the prefix from the column name. This option is only applicable when packing to dict type. new_column_name : str, optional Packed column name. If not given and `column_prefix` is given, then the prefix will be used as the new column name, otherwise name is generated automatically. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` An XFrame that contains columns that are not packed, plus the newly packed column. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.unpack Notes ----- - There must be at least two columns to pack. - If packing to dictionary, a missing key is always dropped. Missing values are dropped if `fill_na` is not provided, otherwise, missing value is replaced by `fill_na`. If packing to list or array, missing values will be kept. If `fill_na` is provided, the missing value is replaced with `fill_na` value. Examples -------- Suppose 'xf' is an an XFrame that maintains business category information. >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'business': range(1, 5), ... 'category.retail': [1, None, 1, None], ... '': [1, 1, None, None], ... 'category.service': [None, 1, 1, None], ... '': [1, 1, None, 1]}) >>> xf +----------+-----------------+---------------+------------------+---------------+ | business | category.retail | | category.service | | +----------+-----------------+---------------+------------------+---------------+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | None | 1 | | 2 | None | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 3 | 1 | None | 1 | None | | 4 | None | 1 | None | 1 | +----------+-----------------+---------------+------------------+---------------+ [4 rows x 5 columns] To pack all category columns into a list: >>> xf.pack_columns(column_prefix='category') +----------+--------------------+ | business | X2 | +----------+--------------------+ | 1 | [1, 1, None, 1] | | 2 | [None, 1, 1, 1] | | 3 | [1, None, 1, None] | | 4 | [None, 1, None, 1] | +----------+--------------------+ [4 rows x 2 columns] To pack all category columns into a dictionary, with new column name: >>> xf.pack_columns(column_prefix='category', dtype=dict, ... new_column_name='category') +----------+--------------------------------+ | business | category | +----------+--------------------------------+ | 1 | {'food': 1, 'shop': 1, 're ... | | 2 | {'food': 1, 'shop': 1, 'se ... | | 3 | {'retail': 1, 'service': 1} | | 4 | {'food': 1, 'shop': 1} | +----------+--------------------------------+ [4 rows x 2 columns] To keep column prefix in the resulting dict key: >>> xf.pack_columns(column_prefix='category', dtype=dict, ... remove_prefix=False) +----------+--------------------------------+ | business | X2 | +----------+--------------------------------+ | 1 | {'category.retail': 1, 'ca ... | | 2 | {'': 1, 'cate ... | | 3 | {'category.retail': 1, 'ca ... | | 4 | {'': 1, 'cate ... | +----------+--------------------------------+ [4 rows x 2 columns] To explicitly pack a set of columns: >>> xf.pack_columns(columns = ['business', 'category.retail', ... '', 'category.service', ... '']) +-----------------------+ | X1 | +-----------------------+ | [1, 1, 1, None, 1] | | [2, None, 1, 1, 1] | | [3, 1, None, 1, None] | | [4, None, 1, None, 1] | +-----------------------+ [4 rows x 1 columns] To pack all columns with name starting with 'category' into an array type, and with missing value replaced with 0: >>> xf.pack_columns(column_prefix="category", dtype=array.array, ... fill_na=0) +----------+--------------------------------+ | business | X2 | +----------+--------------------------------+ | 1 | array('d', [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, ... | | 2 | array('d', [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, ... | | 3 | array('d', [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, ... | | 4 | array('d', [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, ... | +----------+--------------------------------+ [4 rows x 2 columns] """ if columns is not None and column_prefix is not None: raise ValueError("'Columns' and 'column_prefix' parameter cannot be given at the same time.") if new_column_name is None and column_prefix is not None: new_column_name = column_prefix if column_prefix is not None: if not isinstance(column_prefix, str): raise TypeError("'Column_prefix' must be a string. Found '{}': {}.".format( type(column_prefix).__name__, column_prefix)) columns = [name for name in self.column_names() if name.startswith(column_prefix)] if len(columns) == 0: raise ValueError("There are no column starts with prefix '{}'.".format(column_prefix)) elif columns is None: columns = self.column_names() else: if not hasattr(columns, '__iter__'): raise TypeError("Columns must be an iterable type.") column_names = set(self.column_names()) for column in columns: if column not in column_names: raise ValueError("Current XFrame has no column called '{}'.".format(column)) # check duplicate names if len(set(columns)) != len(columns): raise ValueError('There are duplicate column names in columns parameter.') if len(columns) <= 1: raise ValueError('Please provide at least two columns to pack.') if dtype not in (dict, list, tuple, array.array): raise ValueError("Resulting dtype has to be one of 'dict', 'array.array', 'list', or 'tuple' type.") # fill_na value for array needs to be numeric if dtype is array.array: if fill_na is not None and not isinstance(fill_na, (int, float)): raise ValueError('Fill_na value for array needs to be numeric type.') # all columns have to be numeric type for column in columns: if not issubclass(self[column].dtype(), (int, float)): raise TypeError("Column '{}' type is not numeric, cannot pack into array type.".format(column)) # generate dict key names if pack to dictionary # we try to be smart here # if all column names are like: a.b, a.c, a.d,... # we then use "b", "c", "d", etc as the dictionary key during packing if dtype is dict and column_prefix is not None and remove_prefix: size_prefix = len(column_prefix) first_char = set([c[size_prefix:size_prefix + 1] for c in columns]) if len(first_char) == 1 and first_char.pop() in ['.', '-', '_']: dict_keys = [name[size_prefix + 1:] for name in columns] else: dict_keys = [name[size_prefix:] for name in columns] else: dict_keys = columns rest_columns = [name for name in self.column_names() if name not in columns] if new_column_name is not None: if not isinstance(new_column_name, str): raise TypeError("'New_column_name' must be a string. Found '{}': {}.".format( type(new_column_name).__name__, new_column_name)) if new_column_name in rest_columns: raise KeyError("Current XFrame already contains a column name '{}'.".format(new_column_name)) else: new_column_name = '' ret_sa = XArray(impl=self._impl.pack_columns(columns, dict_keys, dtype, fill_na)) new_xf = self.select_columns(rest_columns) return new_xf.add_column(ret_sa, new_column_name)
[docs] def unpack(self, unpack_column, column_name_prefix=None, column_types=None, na_value=None, limit=None): """ Expand one column of this XFrame to multiple columns with each value in a separate column. Returns a new XFrame with the unpacked column replaced with a list of new columns. The column must be of list, tuple, array, or dict type. For more details regarding name generation, missing value handling and other, refer to the XArray version of :py:func:`~xframes.XArray.unpack()`. Parameters ---------- unpack_column : str Name of the unpacked column column_name_prefix : str, optional If provided, unpacked column names would start with the given prefix. If not provided, default value is the name of the unpacked column. column_types : [type], optional Column types for the unpacked columns. If not provided, column types are automatically inferred from first 100 rows. For array type, default column types are float. If provided, column_types also restricts how many columns to unpack. na_value : flexible_type, optional If provided, convert all values that are equal to "na_value" to missing value (None). limit : list[str] | list[int], optional Control unpacking only a subset of list/array/dict value. For dictionary XArray, `limit` is a list of dictionary keys to restrict. For list/array XArray, `limit` is a list of integers that are indexes into the list/array value. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame that contains rest of columns from original XFrame with the given column replaced with a collection of unpacked columns. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.pack_columns The opposite of unpack. Examples --------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1,2,3], ... 'wc': [{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}]}) +----+------------------+ | id | wc | +----+------------------+ | 1 | {'a': 1} | | 2 | {'b': 2} | | 3 | {'a': 1, 'b': 2} | +----+------------------+ [3 rows x 2 columns] >>> xf.unpack('wc') +----+------+------+ | id | wc.a | wc.b | +----+------+------+ | 1 | 1 | None | | 2 | None | 2 | | 3 | 1 | 2 | +----+------+------+ [3 rows x 3 columns] To not have prefix in the generated column name: >>> xf.unpack('wc', column_name_prefix="") +----+------+------+ | id | a | b | +----+------+------+ | 1 | 1 | None | | 2 | None | 2 | | 3 | 1 | 2 | +----+------+------+ [3 rows x 3 columns] To limit subset of keys to unpack: >>> xf.unpack('wc', limit=['b']) +----+------+ | id | wc.b | +----+------+ | 1 | None | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 2 | +----+------+ [3 rows x 3 columns] To unpack an array column: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1,2,3], ... 'friends': [array.array('d', [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), ... array.array('d', [2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), ... array.array('d', [3.0, 4.0, 5.0])]}) >>> xf +----+-----------------------------+ | id | friends | +----+-----------------------------+ | 1 | array('d', [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) | | 2 | array('d', [2.0, 3.0, 4.0]) | | 3 | array('d', [3.0, 4.0, 5.0]) | +----+-----------------------------+ [3 rows x 2 columns] >>> xf.unpack('friends') +----+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | id | friends.0 | friends.1 | friends.2 | +----+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | 1 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | | 2 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | | 3 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | +----+-----------+-----------+-----------+ [3 rows x 4 columns] """ if unpack_column not in self.column_names(): raise KeyError("Column '{}' does not exist in current XFrame.".format(unpack_column)) if column_name_prefix is None: column_name_prefix = unpack_column new_xf = self[unpack_column].unpack(column_name_prefix, column_types, na_value, limit) # construct return XFrame, check if there is conflict rest_columns = [name for name in self.column_names() if name != unpack_column] new_names = new_xf.column_names() while set(new_names).intersection(rest_columns): new_names = [name + '.1' for name in new_names] new_xf.rename(dict(zip(new_xf.column_names(), new_names))) ret_xf = self.select_columns(rest_columns) return ret_xf.add_columns(new_xf)
[docs] def stack(self, column_name, new_column_name=None, drop_na=False): """ Convert a "wide" column of an XFrame to one or two "tall" columns by stacking all values. The stack works only for columns of dict, list, or array type. If the column is dict type, two new columns are created as a result of stacking: one column holds the key and another column holds the value. The rest of the columns are repeated for each key/value pair. If the column is array or list type, one new column is created as a result of stacking. With each row holds one element of the array or list value, and the rest columns from the same original row repeated. The new XFrame includes the newly created column and all columns other than the one that is stacked. Parameters -------------- column_name : str The column to stack. This column must be of dict/list/array type new_column_name : str | list of str, optional The new column name(s). If original column is list/array type, new_column_name must a string. If original column is dict type, new_column_name must be a list of two strings. If not given, column names are generated automatically. drop_na : boolean, optional If True, missing values and empty list/array/dict are all dropped from the resulting column(s). If False, missing values are maintained in stacked column(s). Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame that contains newly stacked column(s) plus columns in original XFrame other than the stacked column. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.unstack Undo the effect of stack. Examples --------- Suppose 'xf' is an XFrame that contains a column of dict type: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'topic':[1,2,3,4], ... 'words': [{'a':3, 'cat':2}, ... {'a':1, 'the':2}, ... {'the':1, 'dog':3}, ... {}] ... }) +-------+----------------------+ | topic | words | +-------+----------------------+ | 1 | {'a': 3, 'cat': 2} | | 2 | {'a': 1, 'the': 2} | | 3 | {'the': 1, 'dog': 3} | | 4 | {} | +-------+----------------------+ [4 rows x 2 columns] Stack would stack all keys in one column and all values in another column: >>> xf.stack('words', new_column_name=['word', 'count']) +-------+------+-------+ | topic | word | count | +-------+------+-------+ | 1 | a | 3 | | 1 | cat | 2 | | 2 | a | 1 | | 2 | the | 2 | | 3 | the | 1 | | 3 | dog | 3 | | 4 | None | None | +-------+------+-------+ [7 rows x 3 columns] Observe that since topic 4 had no words, an empty row is inserted. To drop that row, set ``dropna=True`` in the parameters to stack. Suppose 'xf' is an XFrame that contains a user and his/her friends, where 'friends' columns is an array type. Stack on 'friends' column would create a user/friend list for each user/friend pair: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'topic':[1,2,3], ... 'friends':[[2,3,4], [5,6], ... [4,5,10,None]] ... }) >>> xf +------+------------------+ | user | friends | +------+------------------+ | 1 | [2, 3, 4] | | 2 | [5, 6] | | 3 | [4, 5, 10, None] | +------+------------------+ [3 rows x 2 columns] >>> xf.stack('friends', new_column_name='friend') +------+--------+ | user | friend | +------+--------+ | 1 | 2 | | 1 | 3 | | 1 | 4 | | 2 | 5 | | 2 | 6 | | 3 | 4 | | 3 | 5 | | 3 | 10 | | 3 | None | +------+--------+ [9 rows x 2 columns] """ # validate column_name column_name = str(column_name) if column_name not in self.column_names(): raise ValueError("Cannot find column '{}' in the XFrame.".format(column_name)) stack_column_type = self[column_name].dtype() if stack_column_type not in (dict, array.array, list): raise TypeError("Stack is only supported for column of 'dict', 'list', or 'array' type.") if new_column_name is not None: if stack_column_type == dict: if not isinstance(new_column_name, list): raise TypeError("'New_column_name' has to be a 'list' to stack 'dict' type. Found '{}': {}".format( type(new_column_name).__name__, new_column_name)) elif len(new_column_name) != 2: raise TypeError("'New_column_name' must have length of two.") else: if not isinstance(new_column_name, str): raise TypeError("'New_column_name' has to be a 'str'. Found '{}': {}".format( type(new_column_name).__name__, new_column_name)) new_column_name = [new_column_name] # check if the new column name conflicts with existing ones for name in new_column_name: if name in self.column_names() and name != column_name: raise ValueError("Column with name '{}' already exists, pick a new column name.".format(name)) else: if stack_column_type is dict: new_column_name = ['', ''] else: new_column_name = [''] # infer column types # TODO do this with head_as_list head_row = XArray(self[column_name].head(100)).dropna() if len(head_row) == 0: raise ValueError('Cannot infer column type because there are not enough rows.') if stack_column_type is dict: # infer key/value type keys = [] values = [] for row in head_row: for val in row: keys.append(val) if val is not None: values.append(row[val]) new_column_type = [ infer_type_of_list(keys), infer_type_of_list(values) ] else: values = [v for v in itertools.chain.from_iterable(head_row)] new_column_type = [infer_type_of_list(values)] if stack_column_type is dict: return XFrame(impl=self._impl.stack_dict(column_name, new_column_name, new_column_type, drop_na)) else: return XFrame(impl=self._impl.stack_list(column_name, new_column_name, new_column_type, drop_na))
[docs] def unstack(self, column, new_column_name=None): """ Concatenate values from one or two columns into one column, grouping by all other columns. The resulting column could be of type list, array or dictionary. If `column` is a numeric column, the result will be of array.array type. If `column` is a non-numeric column, the new column will be of list type. If `column` is a list of two columns, the new column will be of dict type where the keys are taken from the first column in the list. Parameters ---------- column : str | [str, str] The column(s) that is(are) to be concatenated. If str, then collapsed column type is either array or list. If [str, str], then collapsed column type is dict new_column_name : str, optional New column name. If not given, a name is generated automatically. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame containing the grouped columns as well as the new column. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.stack The inverse of unstack. xframes.XFrame.groupby : ``Unstack`` is a special version of ``groupby`` that uses the :mod:`~xframes.aggregate.CONCAT` aggregator Notes ----- - There is no guarantee the resulting XFrame maintains the same order as the original XFrame. - Missing values are maintained during unstack. - When unstacking into a dictionary, if there is more than one instance of a given key for a particular group, an arbitrary value is selected. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'count':[4, 2, 1, 1, 2, None], ... 'topic':['cat', 'cat', 'dog', 'elephant', 'elephant', 'fish'], ... 'word':['a', 'c', 'c', 'a', 'b', None]}) >>> xf.unstack(column=['word', 'count'], new_column_name='words') +----------+------------------+ | topic | words | +----------+------------------+ | elephant | {'a': 1, 'b': 2} | | dog | {'c': 1} | | cat | {'a': 4, 'c': 2} | | fish | None | +----------+------------------+ [4 rows x 2 columns] >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'friend': [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 2, 3], ... 'user': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4]}) >>> xf.unstack('friend', new_column_name='friends') +------+-----------------------------+ | user | friends | +------+-----------------------------+ | 3 | array('d', [5.0]) | | 1 | array('d', [2.0, 4.0, 3.0]) | | 2 | array('d', [5.0, 6.0, 4.0]) | | 4 | array('d', [2.0, 3.0]) | +------+-----------------------------+ [4 rows x 2 columns] """ if not isinstance(column, basestring) and len(column) != 2: raise TypeError("'Column' parameter has to be either a string or a list of two strings.") if new_column_name is None: new_column_name = 'unstack' if isinstance(column, str): key_columns = [i for i in self.column_names() if i != column] if new_column_name is not None: return self.groupby(key_columns, {new_column_name: xframes.aggregate.CONCAT(column)}) else: return self.groupby(key_columns, xframes.aggregate.CONCAT(column)) elif len(column) == 2: key_columns = [i for i in self.column_names() if i not in column] if new_column_name is not None: return self.groupby(key_columns, {new_column_name: xframes.aggregate.CONCAT(column[0], column[1])}) else: return self.groupby(key_columns, xframes.aggregate.CONCAT(column[0], column[1]))
[docs] def unique(self): """ Remove duplicate rows of the XFrame. Will not necessarily preserve the order of the given XFrame in the new XFrame. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame that contains the unique rows of the current XFrame. Raises ------ TypeError If any column in the XFrame is a dictionary type. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.unique Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id':[1,2,3,3,4], 'value':[1,2,3,3,4]}) >>> xf +----+-------+ | id | value | +----+-------+ | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 3 | | 3 | 3 | | 4 | 4 | +----+-------+ [5 rows x 2 columns] >>> xf.unique() +----+-------+ | id | value | +----+-------+ | 2 | 2 | | 4 | 4 | | 3 | 3 | | 1 | 1 | +----+-------+ [4 rows x 2 columns] """ return XFrame(impl=self._impl.unique())
[docs] def sort(self, sort_columns, ascending=True): """ Sort current XFrame by the given columns, using the given sort order. Only columns that are type of str, int and float can be sorted. Parameters ---------- sort_columns : str | list of str | list of (str, bool) pairs Names of columns to be sorted. The result will be sorted first by first column, followed by second column, and so on. All columns will be sorted in the same order as governed by the `ascending` parameter. To control the sort ordering for each column individually, `sort_columns` must be a list of (str, bool) pairs. Given this case, the first value is the column name and the second value is a boolean indicating whether the sort order is ascending. ascending : bool, optional Sort all columns in the given order. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame that is sorted according to given sort criteria See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.topk Examples -------- Suppose 'xf' is an xframe that has three columns 'a', 'b', 'c'. To sort by column 'a', ascending: >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'a':[1,3,2,1], ... 'b':['a','c','b','b'], ... 'c':['x','y','z','y']}) >>> xf +---+---+---+ | a | b | c | +---+---+---+ | 1 | a | x | | 3 | c | y | | 2 | b | z | | 1 | b | y | +---+---+---+ [4 rows x 3 columns] >>> xf.sort('a') +---+---+---+ | a | b | c | +---+---+---+ | 1 | a | x | | 1 | b | y | | 2 | b | z | | 3 | c | y | +---+---+---+ [4 rows x 3 columns] To sort by column 'a', descending: >>> xf.sort('a', ascending = False) +---+---+---+ | a | b | c | +---+---+---+ | 3 | c | y | | 2 | b | z | | 1 | a | x | | 1 | b | y | +---+---+---+ [4 rows x 3 columns] To sort by column 'a' and 'b', all ascending: >>> xf.sort(['a', 'b']) +---+---+---+ | a | b | c | +---+---+---+ | 1 | a | x | | 1 | b | y | | 2 | b | z | | 3 | c | y | +---+---+---+ [4 rows x 3 columns] To sort by column 'a' ascending, and then by column 'c' descending: >>> xf.sort([('a', True), ('c', False)]) +---+---+---+ | a | b | c | +---+---+---+ | 1 | b | y | | 1 | a | x | | 2 | b | z | | 3 | c | y | +---+---+---+ [4 rows x 3 columns] """ sort_column_orders = [] # validate sort_columns if isinstance(sort_columns, str): sort_column_names = [sort_columns] elif isinstance(sort_columns, list): if len(sort_columns) == 0: raise ValueError('Please provide at least one column to sort.') first_param_types = set([type(i) for i in sort_columns]) if len(first_param_types) != 1: raise ValueError('Sort_columns element are not of the same type.') first_param_type = first_param_types.pop() if first_param_type is tuple: sort_column_names = [i[0] for i in sort_columns] sort_column_orders = [i[1] for i in sort_columns] elif first_param_type is str: sort_column_names = sort_columns else: raise TypeError('Sort_columns type is not supported.') else: raise TypeError('Sort_columns type is not correct. Supported types are ' + "'str', 'list of str' or 'list of (str,bool)' pair.") # use the second parameter if the sort order is not given if len(sort_column_orders) == 0: sort_column_orders = [ascending for _ in sort_column_names] # make sure all column exists my_column_names = set(self.column_names()) for column in sort_column_names: if not isinstance(column, str): raise TypeError('Only string parameter can be passed in as column names.') if column not in my_column_names: raise ValueError("XFrame has no column named: '{}'.".format(column)) if not is_sortable_type(self[column].dtype()): raise TypeError("Only columns of type ('str', 'int', 'float', " + "'numpy.int32, 'numpy.float64'') can be sorted: {}." .format(self[column].dtype())) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.sort(sort_column_names, sort_column_orders))
[docs] def dropna(self, columns=None, how='any'): """ Remove missing values from an XFrame. A missing value is either None or NaN. If `how` is 'any', a row will be removed if any of the columns in the `columns` parameter contains at least one missing value. If `how` is 'all', a row will be removed if all of the columns in the `columns` parameter are missing values. If the `columns` parameter is not specified, the default is to consider all columns when searching for missing values. Parameters ---------- columns : list or str, optional The columns to use when looking for missing values. By default, all columns are used. how : {'any', 'all'}, optional Specifies whether a row should be dropped if at least one column has missing values, or if all columns have missing values. 'any' is default. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` XFrame with missing values removed (according to the given rules). See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.dropna_split: Drops missing rows from the XFrame and returns them. Examples -------- Drop all missing values. >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'a': [1, None, None], 'b': ['a', 'b', None]}) >>> xf.dropna() +---+---+ | a | b | +---+---+ | 1 | a | +---+---+ [1 rows x 2 columns] Drop rows where every value is missing. >>> xf.dropna(any="all") +------+---+ | a | b | +------+---+ | 1 | a | | None | b | +------+---+ [2 rows x 2 columns] Drop rows where column 'a' has a missing value. >>> xf.dropna('a', any="all") +---+---+ | a | b | +---+---+ | 1 | a | +---+---+ [1 rows x 2 columns] """ # If the user gives an empty list (the indicator to use all columns) # NA values being dropped would not be the expected behavior. This # is a NOOP, so let's not bother the server if isinstance(columns, list) and len(columns) == 0: return XFrame(impl=self._impl) (columns, all_behavior) = self._dropna_errchk(columns, how) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.drop_missing_values(columns, all_behavior, False))
[docs] def dropna_split(self, columns=None, how='any'): """ Split rows with missing values from this XFrame. This function has the same functionality as :py:func:`~xframes.XFrame.dropna`, but returns a tuple of two XFrames. The first item is the expected output from :py:func:`~xframes.XFrame.dropna`, and the second item contains all the rows filtered out by the `dropna` algorithm. Parameters ---------- columns : list or str, optional The columns to use when looking for missing values. By default, all columns are used. how : {'any', 'all'}, optional Specifies whether a row should be dropped if at least one column has missing values, or if all columns have missing values. 'any' is default. Returns ------- (:class:`.XFrame`, :class:`.XFrame`) (XFrame with missing values removed, XFrame with the removed missing values) See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.dropna Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'a': [1, None, None], 'b': ['a', 'b', None]}) >>> good, bad = xf.dropna_split() >>> good +---+---+ | a | b | +---+---+ | 1 | a | +---+---+ [1 rows x 2 columns] >>> bad +------+------+ | a | b | +------+------+ | None | b | | None | None | +------+------+ [2 rows x 2 columns] """ # If the user gives me an empty list (the indicator to use all columns) # NA values being dropped would not be the expected behavior. This # is a NOOP, so let's not bother the server if isinstance(columns, list) and len(columns) == 0: return XFrame(impl=self._impl), XFrame() (columns, all_behavior) = self._dropna_errchk(columns, how) xframe_tuple = self._impl.drop_missing_values(columns, all_behavior, True) if len(xframe_tuple) != 2: raise RuntimeError('Did not return two XFrames.') return XFrame(impl=xframe_tuple[0]), XFrame(impl=xframe_tuple[1])
@staticmethod def _dropna_errchk(columns, how): if columns is None: # Default behavior is to consider every column, specified to # the server by an empty list (to avoid sending all the column # in this case, since it is the most common) columns = list() elif isinstance(columns, str): columns = [columns] elif not isinstance(columns, list): raise TypeError("Must give columns as a 'list', 'str', or 'None'.") else: # Verify that we are only passing strings in our list list_types = set([type(i) for i in columns]) if str not in list_types or len(list_types) > 1: raise TypeError("All columns must be of 'str' type.") if how not in ['any', 'all']: raise ValueError("Must specify 'any' or 'all'.") if how == 'all': all_behavior = True else: all_behavior = False return columns, all_behavior
[docs] def fillna(self, column, value): """ Fill all missing values with a given value in a given column. If the `value` is not the same type as the values in `column`, this method attempts to convert the value to the original column's type. If this fails, an error is raised. Parameters ---------- column : str The name of the column to modify. value : type convertible to XArray's type The value used to replace all missing values. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` A new XFrame with the specified value in place of missing values. See Also -------- xframes.XFrame.dropna Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'a':[1, None, None], ... 'b':['13.1', '17.2', None]}) >>> xf = xf.fillna('a', 0) >>> xf +---+------+ | a | b | +---+------+ | 1 | 13.1 | | 0 | 17.2 | | 0 | None | +---+------+ [3 rows x 2 columns] """ # Normal error checking if not isinstance(column, basestring): raise TypeError("Must give column name as a 'str'. Found '{}': {}.".format(type(column).__name__, column)) ret = self.select_columns(self.column_names()) ret[column] = ret[column].fillna(value) return ret
[docs] def add_row_number(self, column_name='id', start=0): """ Returns a new XFrame with a new column that numbers each row sequentially. By default the count starts at 0, but this can be changed to a positive or negative number. The new column will be named with the given column name. An error will be raised if the given column name already exists in the XFrame. Parameters ---------- column_name : str, optional The name of the new column that will hold the row numbers. start : int, optional The number used to start the row number count. Returns ------- :class:`.XFrame` The new XFrame with a column name Notes ----- The range of numbers is constrained by a signed 64-bit integer, so beware of overflow if you think the results in the row number column will be greater than 9 quintillion. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'a': [1, None, None], 'b': ['a', 'b', None]}) >>> xf.add_row_number() +----+------+------+ | id | a | b | +----+------+------+ | 0 | 1 | a | | 1 | None | b | | 2 | None | None | +----+------+------+ [3 rows x 3 columns] """ if not isinstance(column_name, str): raise TypeError("Must give column_name as 'str's. {} {}".format(type(column_name).__name__, column_name)) if not isinstance(start, int): raise TypeError("Must give start as 'int'. {} {}".format(type(start).__name__, start)) if column_name in self.column_names(): raise RuntimeError("Column '{}' already exists in the current XFrame.".format(column_name)) return XFrame(impl=self._impl.add_row_number(column_name, start))
[docs] def sql(self, sql_statement, table_name='xframe'): """ Executes the given sql statement over the data in the table. Returns a new XFrame with the results. Parameters ---------- sql_statement : str The statement to execute. The statement is executed by the Spark Sql query processor. See the SparkSql documentation for details. XFrame column names and types are translated to Spark for query processing. table_name : str, optional The table name to create, referred to in the sql statement. Defaulst to 'xframe'. Returns ------- XFrame The new XFrame with the results. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'val': ['a', 'b', 'c']}) >>> xf.sql("SELECT * FROM xframe WHERE id > 1" +----+--------+ | id | val | +----+--------+ | 2 | 'b' | | 3 | 'c' | +----+----- -+ [3 rows x 2 columns] """ return XFrame(impl=self._impl.sql(sql_statement, table_name=table_name))
@property def shape(self): """ The shape of the XFrame, in a tuple. The first entry is the number of rows, the second is the number of columns. Examples -------- >>> xf = xframes.XFrame({'id':[1,2,3], 'val':['A','B','C']}) >>> xf.shape (3, 2) """ return self.num_rows(), self.num_columns()