Source code for xframes.xplot

import traceback
import operator
import math
import datetime
import logging

from xframes.deps import HAS_MATPLOTLIB

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import xframes

[docs]class XPlot(object): """ Plotting library for XFrames. Creates simple data plots. Parameters ---------- axes : list, optional The size of the axes. Should be a four-element list. [x_origin, y_origin, x_length, y_length] Defaults to [0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 1.0] alpha : float, optional The opacity of the plot. """
[docs] def __init__(self, axes=None, alpha=None): """ Create a plotting object. Parameters ---------- axes : list, optional The size of the axes. Should be a four-element list. [x_origin, y_origin, x_length, y_length] Defaults to [0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 1.0] alpha : float, optional The opacity of the plot. """ self.axes = axes if axes else [0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 1.0] self.alpha = alpha or 0.5
def make_barh(self, items, xlabel, ylabel, append_counts_to_label=False, title=None): if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: return if items is not None and len(items) > 0: try: y_pos = range(len(items)) vals = [int(key[1]) for key in items] labels = [str(key[0])[:30] for key in items] if append_counts_to_label: labels = ['{} ({:,})'.format(label, val) for val, label in zip(vals, labels)] def safe_decode(str): try: return str.decode('utf8') except: return 'string decode error' labels = [safe_decode(label) for label in labels] plt.barh(y_pos, vals, align='center', alpha=self.alpha) plt.yticks(y_pos, labels) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) if title: plt.title(title) except Exception as e: logging.warn("Make_barh: got an exception!") logging.warn(traceback.format_exc()) logging.warn(e) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def make_bar(self, items, xlabel, ylabel, title=None): if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: return if items is not None: bins = len(items) try: counts = [col[1] for col in items] vals = [col[0] for col in items] x_pos = range(len(counts)), counts, align='center', alpha=self.alpha) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) delta = vals[1] - vals[0] min = vals[0] max = min + bins * delta if bins < 8: n_ticks = bins else: n_ticks = 8 tick_delta = (max - min) / float(n_ticks) step = int(bins / float(n_ticks)) if step <= 0: step = 1 tick_pos = range(0, bins + 1, step) tick_labels = [min + i * tick_delta for i in range(n_ticks + 1)] tick_labels = [str(lab)[:5] for lab in tick_labels] plt.xticks(tick_pos, tick_labels) if title: plt.title(title) except Exception as e: logging.warn("Make_barh: got an exception!") logging.warn(traceback.format_exc()) logging.warn(e)
[docs] def top_values(self, xf, x_col, y_col, k=15, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None): """ Plot the top values of a column of data. Parameters ---------- xf : XFrame An XFrame containing the columns to be plotted. x_col : str A column name: the top values in this column are plotted. These values must be numerical. y_col : str A column name: the values in this colum will be used to label the corresponding values in the x column. k : int, optional The number of values to plot. Defaults to 15. title : str, optional A plot title. xlabel : str, optional A label for the X axis. ylabel : str, optional A label for the Y axis. Examples -------- (Come up with an example) """ top_rows = xf.topk(x_col, k=k) items = [(row[y_col], row[x_col]) for row in top_rows] xlabel = xlabel or x_col ylabel = ylabel or y_col self.make_barh(items, xlabel, ylabel, title=title)
[docs] def frequent_values(self, column, k=15, title=None, append_counts_to_label=False, normalize=False, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, epsilon=None, delta=None, num_items=None): """ Plots the number of occurances of specific values in a column. The most frequent values are plotted. Parameters ---------- column : XArray The column to plot. The number of distinct occurrances of each value is calculated and plotted. k : int, optional The number of different values to plot. Defaults to 15. title : str, optional A plot title. append_counts_to_label : boolean, optional If true, append the bar count to the label normalize : bool, optional If true, plot percentages instead of counts. Defaults to False. xlabel : str, optional A label for the X axis. ylabel : str, optional A label for the Y axis. epsilon : float, optional Governs accuracy of frequency counter. delta : float, optional Governs accuracy of frequency counter. num_items : float, optional Governs accuracy of frequency counter. Returns ------- list of tuples List of (value, count) for the most frequent "k" values Examples -------- (Need examples) """ sk = column.sketch_summary() if epsilon: sk.set_frequency_sketch_parms(epsilon=epsilon) if delta: sk.set_frequency_sketch_parms(delta=delta) if num_items: sk.set_frequency_sketch_parms(num_items=num_items) fi = sk.frequent_items() if len(fi) > 0: sorted_fi = sorted(fi.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) else: return [] frequent = [x for x in sorted_fi[:k] if x[1] > 1] if normalize: total_count = float(sum([f[1] for f in frequent])) frequent = [(k, round(v * 100.0 /total_count)) for k, v in frequent] if len(frequent) > 0: default_xlabel = 'Percentage' if normalize else 'Count' xlabel = xlabel or default_xlabel ylabel = ylabel or 'Value' title = title or "Frequent Values" self.make_barh(frequent, xlabel, ylabel, append_counts_to_label=append_counts_to_label, title=title) return frequent
@staticmethod def create_histogram_buckets(vals, bins, min_val, max_val): if max_val == min_val: return None, None interval = max_val - min_val n_buckets = bins or 50 bucket_vals = [0] * n_buckets usetd = isinstance(interval, datetime.timedelta) if usetd: delta = interval.total_seconds() / n_buckets for i in range(0, n_buckets): bucket_vals[i] = min_val + datetime.timedelta(seconds=(i * delta)) else: delta = float(interval) / n_buckets for i in range(0, n_buckets): bucket_vals[i] = min_val + (i * delta) def iterate_values(value_iterator): bucket_counts = [0] * n_buckets for val in value_iterator: if val is None: continue if isinstance(val, float ) and math.isnan(val): continue if usetd: b = int((val - min_val).total_seconds() / delta) else: b = int((val - min_val) / delta) if b >= n_buckets: b = n_buckets - 1 elif b < 0: b = 0 bucket_counts[b] += 1 yield bucket_counts def merge_accumulators(acc1, acc2): return [a1 + a2 for a1, a2 in zip(acc1, acc2)] accumulators = vals._impl._rdd.mapPartitions(iterate_values) bucket_counts = accumulators.reduce(merge_accumulators) return bucket_vals, bucket_counts
[docs] def histogram(self, column, title=None, bins=None, sketch=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, lower_cutoff=0.0, upper_cutoff=1.0, lower_bound = None, upper_bound=None): """ Plot a histogram. All values greater than the cutoff (given as a quantile) are set equal to the cutoff. Parameters ---------- column : XArray A column to display. title : str, optional A plot title. bins : int, optional The number of bins to use. Defaults to 50. sketch : Sketch, optional The column sketch. If this is available, then it saves time not to recompute it. xlabel : str, optional A label for the X axis. ylabel : str, optional A label for the Y axis. lower_cutoff : float, optional This is a quantile value, between 0 and 1. Values below this cutoff are placed in the first bin. Defaults to 0. upper_cutoff : float, optional This is a quantile value, between 0 and 1. Values above this cutoff are placed in the last bin. Defaults to 1.0. lower_bound : float, optional Values below this bound are placed in the first bin. upper_bound : float, optional Values below this bound are placed in the last bin. bins : int, optional The number of bins to use. Defaults to 50. Examples -------- (Need examples) """ if lower_cutoff < 0.0 or lower_cutoff > 1.0: raise ValueError('lower cutoff must be between 0.0 and 1.0') if upper_cutoff < 0.0 or upper_cutoff > 1.0: raise ValueError('upper cutoff must be between 0.0 and 1.0') if lower_cutoff >= upper_cutoff: raise ValueError('lower cutoff must be less than upper cutoff') bins = bins or 50 sk = sketch or column.sketch_summary() q_epsilon = 0.01 q_lower = None q_upper = None if lower_cutoff > 0.0: q_lower = float(sk.quantile(lower_cutoff)) - q_epsilon if upper_cutoff < 1.0: q_upper = float(sk.quantile(upper_cutoff)) + q_epsilon if lower_bound is not None: q_lower = lower_bound if upper_bound is not None: q_upper = upper_bound xlabel = xlabel or 'Value' ylabel = ylabel or 'Count' vals = column.dropna() def enforce_lower_cutoff(x): return max(x, q_lower) def enforce_upper_cutoff(x): return min(x, q_upper) if q_lower is not None: vals = vals.apply(enforce_lower_cutoff) hist_min = q_lower else: hist_min = sk.min() if q_upper is not None: vals = vals.apply(enforce_upper_cutoff) hist_max = q_upper else: hist_max = sk.max() bucket_counts, bucket_vals = self.create_histogram_buckets(vals, bins, hist_min, hist_max) column = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(bucket_counts, bucket_vals)] self.make_bar(column, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, title=title)
[docs] def col_info(self, column, column_name=None, table_name=None, title=None, topk=None, bins=None, cutoff=False): """ Print column summary information. The number of the most frequent values is shown. If the column to summarize is numerical or datetime, then a histogram is also shown. Parameters ---------- column : XArray The column to summarize. column_name : str The column name. table_name : str, optional The table name; used to labeling only. The table that us used for the data is given in the constructor. title : str, optional The plot title. topk: int, optional The number of frequent items to show. bins : int, optional The number of bins in a histogram. cutoff : float, optional The number to use as an upper cutoff, if the plot is a histogram. Examples -------- (Need examples) """ title = title or table_name column_name = column_name or '' table_name = table_name or '' print 'Table Name: ', table_name print 'Column Name: ', column_name print 'Column Type: ', column.dtype().__name__ sk = column.sketch_summary() print 'Rows: ', sk.size() unique_items = sk.num_unique() print 'Unique Items:', unique_items print 'Approximate Frequent Items:' fi = sk.frequent_items() topk = topk or 15 if len(fi) == 0: print ' None' top = None else: sorted_fi = sorted(fi.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) top = [x for x in sorted_fi[:topk] if x[1] > 1] for key in top: print ' {:10} {:10}'.format(key[1], key[0]) col_type = column.dtype() if col_type is int or col_type is float: # number: show a histogram print 'Num Undefined:', sk.num_undefined() print 'Min: ', sk.min() print 'Max: ', sk.max() print 'Mean: ', sk.mean() if unique_items > 1: print 'StDev: ', sk.std() print 'Distribution Plot' upper_cutoff = cutoff or 1.0 self.histogram(column, title=title, bins=bins, sketch=sk, upper_cutoff=upper_cutoff) if col_type is datetime.datetime: # datetime: show a histogram print 'Num Undefined:', sk.num_undefined() print 'Min: ', sk.min() print 'Max: ', sk.max() if unique_items > 1: print 'Distribution Plot' upper_cutoff = cutoff or 1.0 self.histogram(column, title=title, bins=bins, sketch=sk, upper_cutoff=upper_cutoff) # ordinal: show a bar chart of frequent values # set x_col and y_col if top is not None: vals = xframes.XArray([key[0] for key in top], dtype=col_type) counts = xframes.XArray([key[1] for key in top], dtype=int) x_col = 'Count' y_col = column_name tmp = xframes.XFrame({x_col: counts, y_col: vals}), y_col, title=title, k=topk)